Due to the nature of my allotted space I am designing a custom enclosure. I have about a 5x3' area. I am looking to have a dual system with a 2x3' side for vegetative growth and a 3x3' for flowering. I am going to cover the walls with Mylar and cut up a reflective car screen to put over the grow pots and between the stalks. I am looking to keep 8 vegetative + 2 mothers on the one side, and 8 in the flowering. I think that my max plant height could be 4' if I build it correctly. I am hooking a filter/fan system to my exhaust duct for my furnace (don't use it that often + its a good design I think) the only two areas that I am not feeling like I am reasonably sure that I am not shooting myself in the foot is grow method and lighting. After reading the intro how to I am leaning towards the smaller holmes depot HPS one for each side(see heat issues below) with a 12/12 for flowering and 24/7 for vegetative. Due to the fact that I live in such a hot climate (think Tijuana) and my cab has to be in the garage for security reasons. I am also leaning towards aeroponics since the moving water should reduce the temp in the cab and hopefully keep alge from the roots, warm water and all that jazz. is it helpful to put an air stone in the reservoir? Or does the spraying put enough O2 in the water? If anyone is stoned enough to read that long *** cry for help, and feel like pointing out my flaws please feel free to give me any criticism (its all I am used to :cry: oh wait :bong: now the scary feelings have gone for now) there is a hydro store about 20 miles away just havent gone out there yet. Again thanks in adavnce for any opinions.