Terra-cotta pot a gang: - non democrats, fought AGAINST these ideas: DEMOCRAT PARTY was the political organization that supported slavery, killed 364,000 Republican Union Soldiers that died ending The PARTY's love affair with slavery. liberals dont realize the KKK was the Party's terrorist organization, founded by and run by Democrats. party created and installed projects and ghettos, put abortion clinics in every major city center specifically to kill black, brown and Asian babies... even wrote and passed every Jim Crow Law in the South. liberal party's operatives murdered Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. . Democrat Party also lynched and murdered 4,973 REPUBLICAN CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIVISTS between 1865 and 1968. btw that party OPPOSED women's suffrage. THE DEMOCRATS!
That party opposed the 13, 14, 15 and 19th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. DEMOCRAT party opposed the Civil and Voting Rights Acts of 1964-65. DEMOCRAT party was not this enlightened free love group of pot smoking Hippies in the 1960's. It was the radical Marxist foundation of modern left culture. LIBERALS think THE DEMOCRAT party are good people with good intentions. No! They are power seekers, tyrannical in nature and they are the enemy of the United States and its citizens.
AMERICA is being red pilled slowly, but could speed the process if she had a little history lesson TO ALL!!!!