Trust me when I tell you that any artificial sweetener that's available today is a lot worse for you than any amount of real sugar.
White sugar kind of sux but you can use brown sugar, molasses or syrup for your sweetener. Believe it or not, the vegetable glycerin that we use to make cannabis oil (and nicotine oil for you smokers) is actually a natural sweetener.
Stay away from any of the other artificial sweeteners. If you think Monsanto's stuff is bad, you ain't seen nothin'. Those artificial sweeteners are brain burners. Straight to the Alzheimer's ward with you. LOL
EDIT: Also, just FYI, sugar doesn't cause cavities or tooth rot, carbohydrates do. All carbohydrates. It is the way they react with the acids in your mouth to produce bacteria. Bacterial causes plaque which, in turn causes decay. Rinse with Listerine a couple times a day all your life and you'll probably never have a cavity. Even if you never brushed a day in your life. Flossing is actually more important because it releases the tiny bits of food (carbohydrates) that get stuck in your teeth and continue to create bacteria which continues to create plaque which continues to create decay.
So much for our dental health seminar for the day. LOL