My name is Robertsozki but u can call me Doc

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Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
Los Angeles ca
Hello everyone i hope everyone is doing good... what a great place to learn n chat with other growers... i need a lot of training before i start doin it big u know... any how i'll be opening a journal like tomorrow i'm growin a bag seed either bubba or blue dream... for now i'm callin it Blue dream(got some threads on the confusion at growing indoor general) so i'll label the journal that BlueDream. hope to hear from all u kool people here at marijuana passion... may be we become real good friends i'm somewhere in so cal so i'll see u around till then smoke w/ u all later :48: :smoke1: :2940th_rasta: :bong: :afroweed: :bongin: :fly: :bong2: :joint4: :ccc:
Welcome to hve found the correct prescription for your needs...
Hamster Lewis said:
Welcome to hve found the correct prescription for your needs...
thanks Hamster Lewis, FruityBud, HippyInEngland n Wildbrain thank u all for the warm welcome.... n about the prescription gotta have rigth? on top of nug sometimes i call a nurse when it hurts lol...Hello nurse any female growers here? wouldn't da be nice... o hey Lewis i'm getting some auto seed from dope seeds just wanted to know if is fast ship. n how secure is it also does the mailin box say anything about weed? what srains did u like better 'cause i know u had a few... I'm looking for a fast flowerin auto with the biggest yield posible i hope u read this if not i''l find a way to message u or somethin thanks bros
Dr. Robertsozki said:
thanks Hamster Lewis, FruityBud, HippyInEngland n Wildbrain thank u all for the warm welcome.... n about the prescription gotta have rigth? on top of nug sometimes i call a nurse when it hurts lol...Hello nurse any female growers here? wouldn't da be nice... o hey Lewis i'm getting some auto seed from dope seeds just wanted to know if is fast ship. n how secure is it also does the mailin box say anything about weed? what srains did u like better 'cause i know u had a few... I'm looking for a fast flowerin auto with the biggest yield posible i hope u read this if not i''l find a way to message u or somethin thanks bros

Hey Doc...Dope-seeds is quick and secure...I think it was 8 days from order to receive...As for a recommendation on a strain...yeah I hve a good one for you...Russian Rocket Fuel...has exactly what you are looking for...great smoke and a great yield...I got an average of 2 oz's dry off my RRF's...they went down in 60-63 days from seed...
Welcome doc! We have lots of wonderful female growers here. They even have their own club. Guess the name! lol One of them is so nice she is making a house call from the UK to Seattle. You can't find that anywhere else, I guarantee you. Oh, the more pics you post, the more friends you will make.
thank you for the info H. Lewis i'm getting the strain "RRF" for sure the name sounds crazy I can't wait to get them...
thanks purplephazes i hope u all check my journal "da blue dream. doctor american dream" i got a good organic mix coming up don't miss it
benny420 good to know that theres ladies with a greenthumb around here hope to meet some of them... if pics is what they like here is one
she is only like 18-20 days :watchplant: just got my first clone:lama:

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