My Growbox has been Built YaY !!!

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Hey thanks you guys,
I do like hearing the great advice. If I remember correctly, the size of the growbox is 3'6" Deep x 5' Wide x 6'6" Tall. I suppose I could grow some tall sativa in there, but the sativas get way taller than that. I think I will stick with indicas and maybe some great crosses that I just gotta have ya know.
I wonder how long mj can be stored and still keep it sweetness ? I have never had it around long enough to see, LOL cause I would love to really have the time to grow many strains that I have read about. Someday I think maybe to develope my own signature strain, but you gotta be good to slide in with that kind of company ya know ?
smoke in peace
Looks good man. Cant wait to see the whole thing up an running.
KingKahuuna said:
Hey thanks you guys,
Someday I think maybe to develope my own signature strain, but you gotta be good to slide in with that kind of company ya know ?
smoke in peace

Hey man, wanna smoke some of this King Kahuna? Its the BOMB.:D
Today I finished up the wiring in of the lights, and the thermostat control and the vent fan. Need to finish darkening the floor of the box, but then I should be up and flying, later down the road I will duct in the carbon filter if I can find a good setup. Anybody have some thoughts as to filters ?
smoke in peace
Man oh man, KingK, I can't wait to see that grow area up and running! You've done the very thing I've suggested to so many people; You've taken your time, investigated the possibilities, designed your grow area with every aspect of the grow and created an area that your plants will thrive in for years.

Have you decided on what strain you'll grow in the new area to break it in?

Lot's of GREEN MOJO to you man !!!
Well except for the bottom of the growbox, I'm up and running, here are a few pics, sorry they aren't better.

smoke in peace


I'm still very concerned about the lighting. I currently have 4-48" full spectrum lights, but have a lot of difficulty with figuering out the total lumens. Each light is a 40 watt, but again I'm not sure that this will be enough.
I'm going to try Blue Mystic, 2 plants and Shiva Shanti 2 plants for my first grow. Seeds are always available, so nothing to lose. I just don't want males, but I'm already collecting that Good Green MoJo, Thanks for that to Stony Bud
By the way, I noticed that the flouro fixtures said not to hard mount the fixures, but I placed 2 on the sides to throw even more light, anyone got the take on this ?? I did pull a bulb on each so running only 1 bulb in each of the two side fixures.
smoke in peace
If you can post the exact bulb information for me, I'll get the lumen information for you.

The exact code numbers for the bulbs and who made them.

Each bulb manufacturer has a website that lists all the data about each of their bulbs.

That side lighting really won't do anything for you man, and the plants may see it as competition and it could cause increased inter-nodal length.

It's really better for the plant if you give all of it's lighting from the top and get as close to 5,000 lumens per/sq ft as you can.
Sounds really good to me. I was thinking about removing the side tubes and then replace the center hanger with a four tube that's not so heavy. I've read so much about lighting, but the equalizer is the greenback, (sigh). If I drop out the side tubes it greatly uncomplicates the setup also. I would be able to part with 2-timers, a surge protecter.
smoke in peace
Stoney Bud said:
It's really better for the plant if you give all of it's lighting from the top and get as close to 5,000 lumens per/sq ft as you can.

Right on - Question though, should a third dimension be taken into account? Is there a rule of thumb for volume? The lumens cover the canopy square footage, but the light penetration through the canopy depth is not factored in. What is your experience?

King, your box is great - would love your height. Keep on:aok:
You Know it is a funny thing how it all works together, the right amounts of shade for a percentage of the plant, I wonder about these led's and what all could be done there ya know ? Picture yourself adjusting a 12 arm Led flexomatic, and sticking in a couple of lights to the interier of the plant, personally I think that would be awsome, but got to wait untill it happens.
smoke in peace
Pot Belly said:
Right on - Question though, should a third dimension be taken into account? Is there a rule of thumb for volume? The lumens cover the canopy square footage, but the light penetration through the canopy depth is not factored in. What is your experience?

King, your box is great - would love your height. Keep on:aok:

I read a lot of reference to "light penetration" on MJ. It's not necessary to consider. A plant will naturally fill any space that is open with leaf. On a perfect crop, your canopy will cover the entire crop and allow almost no penetration of light. That's fine. The light isn't used only on the exact spot it hits. That's a very popular misunderstanding of new growers.


"Light penetration" is baloney. As soon as someone tells you it matters, ignore the rest of what you hear from them. They obviously don't know what they're talking about, or they're trying to sell you something.
Stoney Bud said:
I read a lot of reference to "light penetration" on MJ. It's not necessary to consider. A plant will naturally fill any space that is open with leaf. On a perfect crop, your canopy will cover the entire crop and allow almost no penetration of light. That's fine. The light isn't used only on the exact spot it hits. That's a very popular misunderstanding of new growers.


"Light penetration" is baloney. As soon as someone tells you it matters, ignore the rest of what you hear from them. They obviously don't know what they're talking about, or they're trying to sell you something.

Then why don't lower level buds get as big as the top buds that get direct light and aren't shaded by foliage.

Serious question. Not being a smartalleck.
TheStickyIcky said:
Then why don't lower level buds get as big as the top buds that get direct light and aren't shaded by foliage.

Easy answer.

The growth hormones created by the plant are directed almost totally to the top growth of the plant. It's natures method of ensuring propagation of the species. The further from the ground the seeds are, the more chance of them spreading further from the plant. This is true for almost all species of plant. The MJ plant spends very little of it's precious growth hormones to the lower areas of the plant.

It has absolutely NOTHING to do with the light.
i thought i had a nice box. 2 of them for that matter. your craftmanship is impecable. nice work. your ladies will love you for the home you built for them. and those ladies won't talk back.
mylar? paint? i would do the paint. large box! i did it and am happy with results. black tar paper for the floor. you can remove it and cut a new piece anytime. my floors get a little wet, dirty (soil grow) at times.
yes, mylar is the ultimate reflector but probably would hassle you in the end. try paint (flat latex white).
again, great job & most of all happy growing.
Stoney Bud said:
Easy answer.

The growth hormones created by the plant are directed almost totally to the top growth of the plant. It's natures method of ensuring propagation of the species. The further from the ground the seeds are, the more chance of them spreading further from the plant. This is true for almost all species of plant. The MJ plant spends very little of it's precious growth hormones to the lower areas of the plant.

It has absolutely NOTHING to do with the light.

Have any studies or articles on this? Or what would I search to get this information? Not doubting you, I would just like to know more. I just don't see how LST can trick the plant into thinking all those tops are actually *THE* top. I thought it worked be making all of your budsites come to the top and getting direct light.
TheStickyIcky said:
Have any studies or articles on this?

There are a zillion of them. Just look around for them. Basic plant biology, MJ biology, MJ grow manuals, MJ specialty manuals....

On the net alone, you'll find hours of reading on "Growth Hormones" in reference to MJ.
Stoney Bud said:
On a perfect crop, your canopy will cover the entire crop and allow almost no penetration of light. That's fine. The light isn't used only on the exact spot it hits. That's a very popular misunderstanding of new growers.


"Light penetration" is baloney.

Thanks Stoney:aok:

That answered my question.
This is a radical change for me,
I am such a uber noober at growing indoors, but I did love firing up the box, and getting everything running.
One of the advantages that I have in growing is that for many a year I have been into growing fruit tree's and exotics like orchids, and african violets, and ferns. Trees I get to practice my grafting techniques on and the orchids are great for identifying variety's and cross breeding, and ferns are propegated through spores, (there's a challenge for ya).
My next big grafting will be a peach onto a quince, If I get it to take and it doesn't end up sterile then I hope my peaches will be great.
I can't help but wonder how much pleasure would we find if we could be working together on some great experiments, and taste the results together.
Hey thanks for the compliment Bunkin 2 it is appreciated.
Stoney I am off to go check on those light suggestions, what spectrum do you get with the Hortilux 600 ?
smoke in peace
KingKahuuna said:
Stoney I am off to go check on those light suggestions, what spectrum do you get with the Hortilux 600 ?

Their high-output one. They only have one that I know of.

Try "LU600S/HTL/EN"

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