My Growbox has been Built YaY !!!

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yeah, like I said can't wait to start the dialing in, i'm thinking yeah might need more than the one fan, but then where I have it it really stays pretty cool. But yeppers dude I am in total agreement
smoke in peace
Yea man.. fans are not only for temp... they also help by bringing in fresh air co2 that the plants need... without it they are eating stale crap all day.. instead of fresh clean air..
Yep, I'm thinking I am going to learn a poop load of info, in the first couple of hours running the setup. What do you know personally about odor control. I got to thinking, the last thing I need is a K-9 unit driving up and down the streets and a dog going woof as they pass my place, not a good thing. Oh yeah another question for ya too, here it is, fall gets kinda chilly, not to mention winter, Do you need to pre heat the incoming air ? you know when it does turn cold ? because I'm thinking that it can't be good to hit your babys with a hard slap of cold air as it comes in through the vent holes.
smoke in peace
Well Odor isnt really a huge problem until you get to flowering.. but you made that nice box.. once i make my carbon or charcoal filter ill post the DIY... but it can help get rid of the smell... as for the winter time... it really depends on how cold it gets in your garage.... it might be a good thing and allow you to keep your light good and close.. or it could be too cold.. if it is too cold..a simple space heater or heated fan into some metal ducting into the room could solve the problem..

its really about the temp inside the grow room.. not soo much outside...
KingKahuuna said:
the last thing I need is a K-9 unit driving up and down the streets and a dog going woof as they pass my place

I want you to know I got a great laugh outta that one man. Why? Because I've worried about the same exact thing.

Cop driving starts whining....gets near my starts climbing on window that faces my house and barking....cop stopping.....

That's the stuff nightmares are made of.

Hehehe, hasn't happened yet. I know most of the people on my street and on a good night, you can smell weed from all over my entire neighborhood...a couple of them walk right down the street smoking a J.

Besides, if they give me too much trouble, I'll let Bammers and The Dink lose. The Dink is the fastest cat on the planet. He'd just keep a couple of feet in front of the dog until it died from frustration. hahahahahaha

All 30 of Bammers cat pounds might make a dog think twice. His upper and lower teeth are both an inch and a half long. That's three inches of cat teeth that move slightly faster than a sewing machine needle. Poor dog.
WoW, I thought my cat had it all, Sheesh an inch and a half, well come to think of it yeah, seen my cat yawn out a few good stretchs and some those teeth up close, I just don't peeoo him off, and I throw him catnip, ( I swear he would love to roll his catnip), chows it big time, and NO I don't give him pot. I don't think he likes it anyways.
Here it is, Sanded, Primed, and first coat for the inside is on, I'm seriously going to do this right, down to the last splinter. Maybe I'm too much of a perfectionist ya think ? NAW, just believe in doing a good job, and I do have my thoughts on the harvest yeahhh.
smoke in peace
WoW, I thought my cat had it all, Sheesh an inch and a half, well come to think of it yeah, seen my cat yawn out a few good stretchs and some those teeth up close, I just don't peeoo him off, and I throw him catnip, ( I swear he would love to roll his catnip), chows it big time, and NO I don't give him pot. I don't think he likes it anyways.
Here it is, Sanded, Primed, and first coat for the inside is on, I'm seriously going to do this right, down to the last splinter. Maybe I'm too much of a perfectionist ya think ? NAW, just believe in doing a good job, and I do have my thoughts on the harvest yeahhh.Sh100046a.jpg
smoke in peace

Yikes KingK,

It never occurred to me to warn you not to paint the bottom a reflective color. The reflection of light to the undersides of the leaf is NOT something you want to do. The plant will think other plants are encroaching on it's territory and will sprint for the sky. This makes the plant s-t-r-e-t-c-h really bad.

Some black plastic across the bottom with not only prevent this from happening, but also make it easy to collect fallen leaf and pistils for your shake bag.
Stoney Bud said:
Besides, if they give me too much trouble, I'll let Bammers and The Dink lose. The Dink is the fastest cat on the planet. He'd just keep a couple of feet in front of the dog until it died from frustration. hahahahahaha

All 30 of Bammers cat pounds might make a dog think twice. His upper and lower teeth are both an inch and a half long. That's three inches of cat teeth that move slightly faster than a sewing machine needle. Poor dog.

At last, a practical reason for all the $$$$ I've spent keeping up my herd of cats. My tom Felix (yeah, not original- he moved here from somebody who wasn't feeding him to his satisfaction) used to terrorize the dawgs real good. Saw him standing across the street, watching the world go by. Homely hunting hound in the zone who barks at everything, trees cats, squirrels, chases cars- but she saw Felix sitting there and takes a 15' detour out into the street, then back in on the other side.

This growbox is looking do beautiful! You must be having a great time, becuz it shows that you're thinking of everything & doing a super quality job. Keep going like you're going and it will be great!
The box looks awesome! And thanks Stoney for your warning not use reflective mat under the plant...I was gonna do that, I guess I will not!
aay kingk.
great job! i built a 3 x 5, 4' tall in a shed. another smaller 2 x 4, 4' tall in another shed. the 1000w light sheild sits a-top the box with a firm fit to the hole. painted white in both. i found that paint is easier to install. mylar can be a hassle later which you don't want with that size box (room). paint everything inside, you need to deside on the floor. i painted mine and all is well. but mixed opinions give you the option.
for fans i use comp fans in the larger box. 1 in rear bottom left corner and 2 out the top on each side of the light sheild. the smaller box, i found four inch fans at wal-mart which i like alot. one in the bottom left side, one out the top-back on the other side of the light. GREAT JOB and size! VENTING FUMES......... duct peices found at homedepot will do the job. 6 inch stretchable tubing. looks 2 ft. long until you pull it. it then stretches and bends up to 8 ft.. easy duct connectors are in the same isle. you can vent it to the outside easily.
well dude, start germinating process and paint that baby today. in september sometime you'll be glad you took the time to do it all RIGHT!

How big is your box and how much of what type of lights are you planning on? Soil or hydro? My hempbuddy Cowboy (aka Tristan the Cat) loves to check on our "babies" but he wouldn't be much help if Leo brought his puppy to visit. Usandthem from where the grass is blue
Viracocha711 said:
The box looks awesome! And thanks Stoney for your warning not use reflective mat under the plant...I was gonna do that, I guess I will not!

Yes, thanks Stoney. I too was going to do that.

Looks good, KK :)
Viracocha711 said:
The box looks awesome! And thanks Stoney for your warning not use reflective mat under the plant...I was gonna do that, I guess I will not!

T-Bone73 said:
Yes, thanks Stoney. I too was going to do that.

Looks good, KK :)

Lot's of people don't know that. I thought I would share it. I read an entire study on it once about a year or so ago. Pretty interesting. Nature has made this happen so that if another plant gets too close and starts blocking sunlight, the encroaching plant reflects light from it's leaves upward on the plant next to it. That in turn make the first plant grow faster and taller to get ahead of the other plant.

Nature is so cool.
Great job KK! It looks awesome, i can't wait to see that box full of ladies =) Once again great job and you deserve all the credit you recieve. Congrats!

~Burn One~
Very nice tool box KK. Way to grow bro. The perfect set-up for growing you got. :cool2:
KK just to address the smells of plants look up a seller on ebay carbon air scrubber or better yet just type it in the search
Hey there Cook,
Thanks Heaps the timing is perfect, and you hit it right on the mark

smoke in peace
Hello, KingKahuuna, just stopped by to see the cabinet. Is that for multiple chambers or single gigantic flowering chamber?:hubba:

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