That's your problem right there mang. You should only have to water like every 3 or 4 days. When you water do you let some of it trickle out the bottom of the pot? If not you should. This way all the roots are getting water and not just the top half. Also a good way to tell if your plants need water is by sticking your finger in the dirt about 1 or 2 inches down. If the dirt is dry they need water if not let them go another day and check again. Hope this makes since.Capone said:like a cup and a half aday...sometimes twice a day...they were fine lastnight that's the theing thats bothering me..one night i look at them all reaching for light and the next they are drooping like if their dead...IDK what to do..im going to try re-poting them in the morning with new soil. hopefully that'll make a difference..