my apollo was from TGA; subs apollo 13 bx. (i agree; love it, weird funk taste and great sat high )
i got it from a site he no longer vends at though, so i don't know where to recommend looking now. (their site (TGAgenetics) has vendor suggestions if you want, but i can't recommend any as i've never bought from any of them personally)
..and that's more what i was hoping you'd get there m8.. less hair more frost this time it looks like
everything's looking great man
my bro kaotik made this hybrid with another brothers sh;t pheno that we've been growing around four years now. that pheno reminds me of old school sweet island skunk.(i love it) he crossed that with his tga apollo13 bx, and i've grown the f1's, and now the f2's...the f1 was about six feet tall inside. i was prepared for the f2's to get a lil unruly also, and i topped them, and they stayed low for this show...(i even went out and purchased a product to contain them called Hammer, that stops vert growth in its tracks, but did not have to use that this time...
heres a few pics of each. the F1 was finished on this past xmas day, and the F2's are running now, and are about 4-4.5 weeks in... ...
Garden looks amazing Irish....Your Apollos f2 that one that looks like it or did ya top it?....I have a SAf2 twin I think mine are in week 5..and looks simular to yours...mojo for a great finish brother