Hiya Andy. You lknow I did Mazar and here is my thoughts.
It is a little slow to grow from seed, BUT the cuts off the original mom vegged alot faster. I would say 2-3 weeks of veg time from rooted clone. The plant grew "christmas tree" like, and this was topped only once.
When I sexed the seedlings, it took a solid 6-8 weeks before I the pre flowers shown and I tossed the males. I got 5 females from 10 seeds., and this was 18/6.
Once the Mazar started to flower, I was HAPPY. It really put it on and yeilded quite nicely. Out of the 5 females, there was 2 specific pheno's. One was a really thick bud that is very Skunk influenced. When you burn one, it will reek out your whole house after the first hit. Very stoney.
The second pheno was my Fav. VERY heavy resin and smells like candy. Very unique. Sweet and great aftertaste. The fruity pheno was slighly a smaller yeilder. But, the bud was better, imo. When I get some time, I will take some pics Andy and post them here .
As far as the PPM's, I did feed it pretty low the entire run.
If you havn't sexed them yet, take a couple of clones off of each Mazar and lable them as to what plant they came from. Then flower them out, and toss the males as they show themselves. Toss out the related clones and keep the female clones.
Hope your grow goes well!