A friend posted this about his TRIP:
"I have yet to document my shroooom ride, and when I say ride I mean it was a real trip above reality!
February 21 I decided to try the new shipment of Cubanesis we'd recently acquired, I still had some of the other Penis Envy's we had from the prior order, so I threw those in there too. I weighed it at 2.7g give or take and gram or two. I saute' them in olive oil, sea salt and a dash of garlic, until they're a bit crispy, this keeps it from sticking to your teeth so bad. I keep the dose's separated in the skillet to make sure we get the dosage I weighed out.
I sat down and made an appetizer of my dosage but sweet sprinkled hers on her salad. I think that was why she just got a mellow reaction and I got the following.
Approximately 20 minutes into eating my pork chop moved! :LOL:
It was at that point I told Sweet this is gonna be a trip and by the time I finished my meal the pork chop bone was moving like that stuff in a lava lamp!
Sweet took my plate and I sat there full on tripping for a good 30 minutes, tv was just unbearable and Zoey'z tail was like a black snake in the corner of my eye and when I turned to look, it'd vanish. At one point the table started to make this rumbling sound and I decided I'd better take my shower before this got worse.
Mistake... :LOL:
I prepared to take a shower and went into the bathroom and this was not my bathroom, everything was different sizes. The toilet was really small, like a bowl in the corner, but when I touched it, suddenly it was back to normal. It was at that point I told myself this isn't real so don't let it scare you!
I started the water and it was like thunder, loud as fuk, and I could feel the vibrations as the water hit my body. I finally sat on the bathing chair and closed my eye'z.....suddenly it was silent!
Every time I opened my eye'z it was like rolling down the window while driving at a high speed on the interstate, loud as fuk!
I think I feel asleep for a few minutes, but when I open my eye'z the last time I seen a shelf all the way around the wall in the shower and every time I reached to touch it, it'd go back to being a wall!
I slept a couple of hours according to Sweet, when I emerged. She was totally relaxed and feeling no pain but nothing like what I just experienced. At that point I was still seeing bright colors but the altered state had passed.
I gotta admit that was a bit scary but every since, I've been so at peace, tis hard to explain! I simply don't let stuff get to me like I did before. One things for certain it's made me a calmer person overall and as soon as I get my next shipment I'm going to do it again March 21, which is exactly a month since the last dosage"