Male plant, any value?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2009
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Is there any value in a big male plant? I read that bubble hash thread and thought can something simular work with a grip of normal leaf including male plants? I'm getting ready to pull a few males that are really smelly and big, and normally I just trash it all, but thought I would ask if anyone here has a thought on if it would be worth it to try and extract the thc.
As far as I'm aware of males are only good for 2 things, pollenating and composting. They have no THC value...take care..
No value other than pollen for breeding.

Or tracking Phenos, which is for breeding.
my one hippy friend makes necklaces outaa them... lol
dr_toker81 said:
my one hippy friend makes necklaces outaa them... lol

Dont that itch??? :eek: I take it yur buddy gets bored alot.:D Then again,,nothing like getting busted because ya was wearing plant material.:fid:
I found out that hard way that Male plants are good for a headache if you smoke them. :confused: :bong:

it wasn't pretty really :rofl:
either way no matter wat anyone says your still gonna try smokin it lol. i think alot of us have. i mean how else will ya supress the curiousity. lol. even i myself tried iso-oil from all my males. but i also had some pretty huge males last year outdoors. and had a good couple ounces dry matter off them. so if you got like small plants wit minimal matter to em. i'd say not even worth tryin even.
my advice to you is if you have never smoked a male plant is to do just that and see for yaself and then you will know for yourself first hand. i mean wats it gonna hurt . at least you'll never ask the question of them again or wonder whenever you pull a male in future grows. jmo.
let us know wat its like.
but we could all tell you our experiences but still most will still try for them selvesso go for it. it wont kill ya thats for sure lol
but overall in my exp i would have to say chuck them

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