My Technique for pure potent vape oil
in CCell cartridges & adjustable pin battery:
I utilized the following article to improve my extraction-
Great Article:
June 28, 2017
((( Essentially ethanol at extreme cold temperatures still
removes cannabinoids, But the extreme cold temperature slows down to a crawl the extraction of lipids, waxes, fats & chlorophyll. You can remove as much as 30 to 35% of undesirables by utilizing -40/50f extraction temperatures)))
My pure oil technique:
—Homemade (licensed MO Medical Cultivator))
I usually use about 12 to 14 ounces Everclear to 1 ounce ground very dry herb… 25 minute soak after the herb & Everclear have cooled to
-50/-60f range IN cooler with Dry-ice on a screen above herb & generic Everclear mix. (dry ice gas evaporates downward as it is heavier than air.)
(extremely important to keep -50f or a Minimum of -40f until 1st filtering completed),
Of course alcohol and herb are in separate Mason jars at this point cooling down.… Once The alcohol and herb are sub cooled & combined gentle stir 3 or 4 times during 25 minute soak, & shut cooler lid to keep mix sub cooled…
((4 Oz Max per run for me, Grind herbs using kitchen “glass peanut hand grinder”— comes out about twice the size of joint material or what ever u have, I would not use a herb grinder, Personally I think it grinds it too small))
1st Filtering: After soaking herb/alcohol…filter off “very fast” while cold using 75um filter (I use ice Hash bubble bags, they separate alcohol oil wash
VERY fast or use silkscreen material Readily available), filter into Pyrex dish.
2nd filtering into another Pyrex dish use a 25um filter (use the 25 µm bubble bag or a brown coffee filter which is also 25 µm, this removes the remaining sediment) , Obviously the first filtering is the “most important” (remember the whole purpose of the super low freezing temperature is to isolate all of the “”fats, waxes and chlorophyll””
that you “do not want in your Vape oil”)…
Now, Evaporate tincture in Pyrex dish using hot plate or electric skillet (Or let it evaporate naturally in the sun covered with cheese cloth, and no you will not degrade THC In a short period) I like to keep skillet temperature under 160f this keeps the alcohol usually under 140f… I preserve many Terps, but I am not a Terp hunter !!!
MUST Have Fan on & blowing over dish if utilizing heat, NO NO NO open flames… keep well ventilated fan fan fan…
When the alcohol mixture has reduced to a couple of ounces, pour it into a very small glass thick jar that you plan on storing the oil in. (Like a used Penzi spice jar I love )…
(you will also use this jar to remove all of the remaining alcohol and whatever water is in it, I do this by putting it on the hot plate of my coffee machine or a skillet keep temperature under 160°, this is the “longest”process step because you occasionally stir the oil with a toothpick to see if there’s …“any any any”micro bubbles, if so you are “not done”… can’t stress this enough. Have patience, because you are not done until those micro bubbles are gone and I mean micro !
(for those of you that want to argue,
food grade alcohol & water pickup is 100% evaporated @ this point).
Pretty much comes out the same every time
4–4.5 Gr net pure oil per Oz., basically ~30-35% free of undesirables -fat, wax , chlorophyll, other Lipids, etc.
Estimated oil potency using GSC Auto strain —Garden of Green
(22% Thc) is
75–85% Thc easy…!!!
Again estimated

What’s needed:
—large or medium mason jars to sub cool herb & alcohol separately (I prefer large for any size application)
— generic Everclear
(or any 190 proof food grade alcohol only)
—Cooler Big enough for your application.
(I use a 20” deep x 18”plastic insulated cooler)
— 8+ pounds of dry ice
(8 pounds minimum for any quantity herb & about 12 to 14 pounds for 4 oz. of herb, -40f is the LOWEST ultimate target temperature, But as stated I use -50 /-60)
—Metal screen or grate To hold the dry ice above the herb & alcohol when in cooler, Why ?
dry ice sublimation Co2 gas sinks it’s heavier when mixed with air!
So do you want that cold air falling over your jars… yes. (Home Depo etc sell those cheap aluminum screens for your grill)
— silicone stir spatula
(silicone is your friend when dealing with cannabinoid oil’s, don’t do this unless you have one!!!)
— small glass storage jar
(I prefer the small Penzi spice type jars, easy to stir and easy to use a syringe removing oil when filling Vape carts)
— plastic syringe for Vape cart filling (always wash syringe out with Everclear immediately when done, and save it drink it… it’s still good, makes a mighty powerful cocktail…!)
—C Cell type Vape carts
$4-5.50 ea.,
(4 -2 mm size oil absorption holes in cart)
—Vape adjustable PIN
(Vision Carbon Spinner 3
is cheap $8-12 ea.,
adj PIN to 3.7 Volts so carts don’t burn out & You do not overheat oil)
Minus -50f Hash Oil Pic in Penzi spice jar:
((One last comment. If you did the above process at “”room temperature””,
Your yield would be about 6 1/2 to 7 1/2 g of oil per Oz. 30–35% more…
Why? You are picking up everything out of the plant cannabinoid oil’s(like Rick Simpson oil) fats, waxes, chlorophyll, and other undesirables, which in all reality is just fine if you only plan on using it for edibles or gelatin capsules, but it clogs up Vape carts very easy & reduces potency.))
(note, I do NOT use trim & leaf for the sub cold process…I only use them for dry sift Hash , unless of course I’m just making oil for my gelatin capsule edibles mixed with a dab of peanut butter.

In that case I’ll just use the refrigerator freezer to lower the temperature of my alcohol/herb in separate jars 24 Hrs & mix for ~5Min., & filter/evaporate/ and store. It picks up some undesirables but you are not vaping it only consuming. You can utilize Winterization technique to remove most undesirables, but since it’s for edibles I don’t.)
One more tidbit I tested-
Hash (Keif) Yields about 68-70% pure oil, no wax/fat/biomass pickup if done at
very low sub zero (I prefer -50/-60f using dry-ice in food cooler method per above info) temperatures using generic Everclear
Ethanol (Ethanol extraction efficiency of about 95%).
Extracting the oil from Hash is actually pretty cool, take a 14 Gr. hash chunk & extract & you have ~9.5 grams good pure oil… doesn’t get much better than that !