I Think it is just as important to feed the Roots as well as the plant. Therefore I brew/add beneficial tea every two weeks. There are several different products out there, I use OG BioWar. Have for years. Doing this keeps the plant healthy, lush and vibrant. It also helps protect the plant from Power Mildew, Mold and other Pathogens. I simply would not grow without it or something similar.
First, have a fairly small grow. So, I only brew enough for 20 or less plants. Two tents, veg and flower. Amount you need will depend on the size of your grow.
What you need:
1/2 gallon plastic pail or bucket
Air stone
Aquarium Pump
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Here is a picture while brewing. I will explain the sock over the side later.
How to make tea...
First, put 4 cups of water in the bucket. (32 oz)
Add one tea spoon of both the Root Pack and Foliar pack
Next also add one tea spoon of unsulphured Molasses and stir vigorously
OG BioWar
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You can get this on line. I can get you a discount if interested.
Next Take a small hand full of Alfalfa Meal and Worm Castings and put it into an old sock.
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Finally put the air stone in the bucket, hook it up to the aquarium pump and turn it on. Also throw the sock over the side as shown above.
Now you are brewing tea. Let this brew for 3 to 5 hours. Notice how it foams up.
Once the tea has brewed it is time to water it in. Unhook the pump and remove the air stone. Let things settle to the bottom and use a turkey baster to suck it out of the top of the tea(bucket). I drench with 1 1/2oz/gal and drench it in.
Done, simple and you won't believe the results.