Hey Stoney-
I was misinformed on the true definition of lumens, thank you for clearing that up.
So as an aside, would you think that if I am able to keep my plants closer than 12" to the bulb, that I am actually getting more lumens on the canopy? I knew I should have paid more attention in Physics (oh wait I didn't take physics, I didn't even graduate high school

But dissipation of lumens is critical to what we do. Under 1 single 400 watt bulb, again using a good reflector, the plant directly under the light at 12" away is receiving significantly more light (presumably the full 50,000 lumens that the bulb is putting out) than a plant to the side, at say 24" from the bulb- at that distance isn't it only 1/4th the amount of lumens? Is that your position?
To answer your second post- Yes, I grew in a 30" x 48" home built box, from seed, 2 separate grows: the first under 1- 400 watt unit, the second under 2- 400 watt units. And on a plant by plant comparison, I yielded 70% more dried and cured bud on the second harvest than the first. Overall yield was actually 4 times the amount of cured product, but I was able to grow more plants. There were other factors and differences involved here, but the lighting was by far the single greatest differentiating component. I am not stating this as any sort of proof, but rather as anecdotal results.
Thanks again for your comments and I look forward to continuing this discussion.