Lowlife hindu problems..

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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2009
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2 out of 10 didnt germinate.. all other strains had 100% germ rate.
3 out of the 8 didnt sprout..
so Im left with 5 that sprouted.. I hope I get some females..
anyone else have this problem with lowlife hindu kush or autos?
That sucks man, the only auto I have is the Poison Dwarfs and all germed.:confused2:
well... if you've grown ANYTHING else yer whole life... u would know the answer to yer question.

NOTHING is guaranteed... ESPECIALLY not a living organism in natural stasis (seed form).... :rolleyes:
I just bought Low Life hindu Kush as part of my order 2 weeks ago from attitude, but i have not germinated them yet.
And the order before that i had 10 G-13 Poison Dwarf and 1 free quicksilver and all were bad except 1 Poison Dwarf i have now, but its growing REAL REAL slow !
Thix sucks. 2 out of 10 hindu kush didnt germ, then out of the 8 left, 3 didnt sprout..
I germinated 3 super skunks and all 3 didnt germ!
my dinafems cali hash, blue hash, double gum, cave and sweet pea all had a 100% germ rate..
I was really looking forward to super skunk. guess ill have to germ some more.
Yeah, I had the same problem with lowlife Auto Ak x Auto Hindu kush not germing at all!!
i have some auto hindu kush going now myself and i got 8 of 10 germ rate as well but all 8 came up and are doing fine.
isnt the hindu kush auto new?
maybe the strain isnt quite perfect yet but like crazy van guy said it nature 100% doesnt allways happen

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