Remember Slomo, it's the insult to you and your home that you're squaring. NOT the loss of a little smoke. Write off the smoke. Big deal. You can do without it if you need to and your friends should help you out with some if they're really friends anyway.
However, the insult to your home, your generosity in allowing this scum sucker into your home to smoke your weed and the slap in the face his theft showed is what needs to be squared away.
Once you're sure it was this person, spread the word on him. Go everywhere this scumbag hangs and tell everyone there what he did. Do it while he's standing there. Do it every time, right to his face.
That will do more than any A$$ whipping ever will do and it'll keep you from being enclosed in one of those really really small rooms and having a girlfriend named Bubba.
Stalk this sucker to every place he goes. Have a couple friends go with you to watch your back while you YELL OUT to the entire place what this Buttwipe did. Make sure everyone sees his face. Walk him around the room and SHOW his face to everyone.
That truly makes payback a real b itch.