low life scum

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heres my fearless guard dog asleep.

Picture 060.jpg
banjobuzz said:
oh man, bro, that sucks. i'd be changing my locks/security. a dog comes to mind, ya know what i mean? if someone came in my house while i was away, they would be there when i got home.

EXACTLY... a budy of mine has this realy big (bull-mastive rotweiler), SUPER sweet dog... sweet as long as the owner is there... he neglected to tell me about his dog the first time I went over to his house - if the owner is not around, the dog sits in front of you nose-to-nose and will not let you get out of your seat... if you start to move, he bares teeth and growls - he lets anybody into the house if the owner is not there, he just won't let you leave... and also trained to let no one touch the stereo :rolleyes: lol

slow... that bites, man... another reason why I don't like anybody... hell... I don't even like myself sometimes :cool:

too many damn people only thinking about themselves and not about how their actions affect others....

I say kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out....
this is exactly why i have only a few friends that come to my house. i'd definitly be getting a lock on that door,as well as one on your grow room.if he stole from you once..he'll do it again.ask around,you know whoever it was is gonna be trying to avoid you.you may even want to ask your neighbors if they seen anybody there.what a bad day..its this type of stuff that makes you not want to deal with anybody.im sorry for your losses bud..one things for sure..karma is a B.
my i have a big fat lock on my plants, someone would have to make alot of noise to get to them.. but we never lock our doors. nobody around here does i don't think.. all my neigbors are related, my landlords family. he had to come from the woods . theres a dirt road a few hundred yards on one side of my house. they would have been seen. i asked if anyone seen a car they said no. so thats the only way.
lol...what I found... is that the small dogs can be the meanest little son's a b's around... and the most viscious :eek: ... my little, old lap dog is one scary little dude... he goes after big dogs fearlessly and is a great "protector" for me :rolleyes: (that is the biggest laugh... but I let him think he's the protector - ya gotta give 'em some self esteem and let 'em think they have a major role in yer pack...) ... he simply won't back down and gives it his all...although, if I don't step in and take the other dog out, I'd be taking him to the vet right away and dropping major coin :rolleyes: . it's really very funny to see him do his thing... he's so funny :D . gunna miss the old fart when he's gone....
man slow that really sucks . thats why i let any visitors see my dog first thing is i don't let him out of his cage while they are here that way they know he is here but he don't know who they r. i would like someone to try one time just to see if they live or die i have no clue what he would do. thats probably cause i don't know anyone brave enough to do it.. hell at night i would be afraid to just walk in in the dark.. hope u find the s.o.b that did this and well do exactly what u said " shove it up their *** so far they can taste the jars...
stoner 420 said:
man slow that really sucks . thats why i let any visitors see my dog first thing is i don't let him out of his cage while they are here that way they know he is here but he don't know who they r. i would like someone to try one time just to see if they live or die i have no clue what he would do. thats probably cause i don't know anyone brave enough to do it.. hell at night i would be afraid to just walk in in the dark.. hope u find the s.o.b that did this and well do exactly what u said " shove it up their *** so far they can taste the jars...
i have a big dog as well , but folks fear me far more that the puppy..i only have two good really close welcome anytime kinda friends....and they have carry permits...every one from the old days and the old ways already know it's not safe place for them to be....you or the universe will give it back to him/her sooner or later
it was definitly someone you know.cu anybody else wouldve taken your electronics.ill bet one of your "friends" came over,knocked on you door and when they found out you and your wife were gone..they went right to your stash.i'd suggest buying one of them fake camras that have the red light blinking on them.i think theyre like 10 bucks in the junk magaines my mom gets sent to her.
karma is bad..... that is why I keep less people welcome to my home... and there is 2 different type of people, the people who can mind their own business is ok, but if I do see other type of people that can not mind their own business is not welcome! at all!, this is not martha stewart s home!no! im very selective who can come and who can not come, and if dare to, will face my hellish realm world... and who's snickerin now batch!
i hear u puff i also have a carry permit and my wife and i went through a home defense with a military sargent that was also a sharp shooter so if i was to find out who broke in and took my stash i could pick them off without them even knowing i knew they were there..
stoner 420 said:
i hear u puff i also have a carry permit and my wife and i went through a home defense with a military sargent that was also a sharp shooter so if i was to find out who broke in and took my stash i could pick them off without them even knowing i knew they were there..

What kind of justice would that be?You would need to torture them for at least a week first.Get creative with some pliers.:D
KGB30 said:
Remeber you stated he smoked a faty with ya. Maybe he was out
He or She WAS out-for anything they could skyfe from you-You did'nt tell them about grow.
Chances are you have already rounded the list to a few.
Keep an eye on "em!!!!
And if they show up-You know what to do.

Peace dude.
sorry to hear about your loss slowmo meth really will turn a good guy into a piece of **** meth is bad around here a couple weeks ago we caught someone trying to break into our car at like 3 in the morning me and my brother ran him down and confronted he was scared to death making up all kinds of excuses we scared him up pretty good though shot a couple warning shots real close to him i dont think he'll be coming back around here lol.
time4tokin20s said:
What kind of justice would that be?You would need to torture them for at least a week first.Get creative with some pliers.:D
I've got this coworker that is gettiing teeth pulled.He's taken some days here and there.
The other day I grabbed a pair of needlenose and told him "Here, all we need is a half-pint and I will save you anbd me some money!-lol
Oh yeah get creative-but how about spinal tap??-huh??


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