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Jun 27, 2024
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new orleans
having trouble transitioning from sprouted seeds to getting them to grow(losing a lot)..zone 9-10..temps outside 100+; temps inside 70ish..light is a problem..excellent soil and keeping moist but not flooded..HELP!!!..CaptKirk..also, how often should I fertilize my healthy outside plants..3-4 weeks old and and what fertilizer to use..(2nd year novice..outside growing only)
Start your seed indoors in a lite soil like promix. Soaked the medium once you plant the cracked seed. Do not water until the cups are lite in weight. If you soaked the medium in the beginning there's plenty of moisture for the roots to seek for days. I don't water a seedling till it's 3-4 inches high. UNLESS the cup is lite in weight.
Even when that medium looks dry and crusty on the top there's moisture below. That magic moisture finger probe you have does not work..lol
An old shop light works great for germinating and seedlings. Semi shady spots outdoors.
I am inna hit location when it us this hot seedlings need to have several nodes before going outside. I start inside and have to wait to put them outside. I just cooked 5 ice princess fems, because I forgot to go this. I pot seedling outside and they all got cooked but one and the cat ate her. Even experienced growers struggle at times with seedlings and heat. If you have to put them outside put them in a shaded area. I start Jacks classic 20 20 20 at 7-10 days old. 1/4 tsp per gallon of water at every watering. I add cal mag +Iron and switch to Jacks Blossom booster at start of flower. You get big beautiful plants. GM is correct let them dry out in between waterings. Not to the point of wilting, but dry enough for them to be thirsty.
zero fertilizer. If you want fertilizer use a seed starting mix which is not overpowering. No fertilizer for the first three weeks or you will burn the seedling
Not if you use Jacks it is such a small amount they can handle it.
..use any fertilizer??
If your in a soil it will support a seedling for some time. Just water like kgb mentioned works for a while.

Feeding a young one can be tricky but if you go slow n watch the plants reactions to what you do it doesn't take long to figure it out.

What do you plan on using for nutrients?
I am inna hit location when it us this hot seedlings need to have several nodes before going outside. I start inside and have to wait to put them outside. I just cooked 5 ice princess fems, because I forgot to go this. I pot seedling outside and they all got cooked but one and the cat ate her. Even experienced growers struggle at times with seedlings and heat. If you have to put them outside put them in a shaded area. I start Jacks classic 20 20 20 at 7-10 days old. 1/4 tsp per gallon of water at every watering. I add cal mag +Iron and switch to Jacks Blossom booster at start of flower. You get big beautiful plants. GM is correct let them dry out in between waterings. Not to the point of wilting, but dry enough for them to be thirsty.
Do you use Jacks Blossom booster all thru flower ?? Anything else ??
I'd comment, but we all know Carty don't know Jack.... hehe.

Seriously though, I think you need to do some serious reading on the site. your very new to this it
sounds and we have a lot of people who enjoy guiding new growers into successful gardeners'.
Rooting hormones is really something that is used for rooting cuttings, not seedlings. understanding
how and when to use nutrients, knowing if there are already any foods stored within your soil..
I can get away with not feeding for 2wks.

Keep asking questions, we'll keep offering up assistance. best of luck
Welcome A forum Pic for you to use
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Welcome A forum Pic for you to use
View attachment 359607
You couldn’t find a better pic of kirk than that?
Why is he so short there. Looks like someone tried to squash him like a bug and he lost a foot in height. Did you put kirks head on another's body?
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I hated Star Trek as a kid... just wasn't into sci fi and how fake it all looked... Dad and older brother were big fans. Now, love the guy.. big fan and can appreciate all he did for the sci-fi community.. I mean he's an icon.
I was a fan of Spocks... probably because I have pointed ears though.... and that Vulcan pinch thing was so cool.. used to make my sister mad though..
I hated Star Trek as a kid... just wasn't into sci fi and how fake it all looked... Dad and older brother were big fans. Now, love the guy.. big fan and can appreciate all he did for the sci-fi community.. I mean he's an icon.
I was a fan of Spocks... probably because I have pointed ears though.... and that Vulcan pinch thing was so cool.. used to make my sister mad though..
Im a trekkie always have been watched the original series only once though. It was corny compared to all the others. I don't watch the animated series either. My favs are TNG , Voyager. I liked Discovery and Picard as well. The last season was the best.

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