Huh? Weed business is all cash business out here in the west. Banks are all FDIC, and that is federal. As a schedule 1 narcotic classified drug, banks cannot do business with any marijuana business in the US. Its all cash. Payroll is paid in cash. Transactions are all in cash buying and selling any marijuana product. Payment of taxes to the state and feds by marijuana companies are all made in cash. Now, the banks do count cash and do a lot of cash payouts from non-marijuana accounts that support the marijuana business trades. And employees can deposit cash in their bank accounts paid by marijuana company employers. But there is no direct account link from their employers to their banks. No marijuana stores here take credit cards either. Its all cash sales. Period. Many have cash machines in the stores though. Use your ATM to get cash, and pay in cash. So far the feds have agreed to take tax payments in cash from 'legal' state marijuana growers, processors and retailers without prosecuting them for drug money laundering. They also allow the legal states to do the same. That avoids the Al Capone tax evasion problem of the other prohibition days.
Colorado has been in the process of setting up an alternative to banks for marijuana business, but they cannot use a bank in the US to get around the laws. So they set up a specialized credit union, and it was given tentative approval, but it is not in place yet. It has been tied up in court, with one court ruling against it and a higher court turning over that decision. It may have to go to the Supreme Court. In the meantime Fourth Corner Credit Union has to comply with requirements set up by the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve Bank stipulates that Fourth Corner cannot provide financial services to marijuana-related businesses until doing so is legal at the federal level. So there is still no credit union for marijuana business in Colorado, or in any other state, including California. In California cash has been a big problem up to about a year ago, when state and local police simply raided medical pot shops and took all the cash. Now that weed is legal at the state level, they cannot do that any more. California also tried to pass a bill this year to set up an alternative "bank" for marijuana business in state, but that has failed to this point. SB-930, a bill that would have created a state-chartered banking system to give cannabis merchants access to traditional financial services in California died Aug. 16 in the state Assembly Appropriations Committee. See, states cannot set up banks in the US. Only the feds can print money and regulate banking.
So... they all have to deal in cash, and in cash we trust. Until... the Supreme Court changes things, or marijuana is re-classified as a lesser than schedule 1 narcotic. The DEA has stuck with mj being schedule 1, so Congress will have to change it, with a POTUS signature or override of his veto. Or 38 or more states ratify an amendment to the US Constitution legalizing weed. 33 states now have legal weed of some type, either medical or recreational. 5 more to go.