Leaves yellowing, tips brown...maybe several things going on.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2021
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OK MP Mind...here's my latest trip to the infimary. This will put you to the test.

Girl Scout Cookie outdoors central Virginia (humid) in grow bags, OF soil. Giving 2 gallons of (6.0 ph) well water daily. Giving Tiger Bloom 2-8-4 two teaspoons per gallon three times a week. Adding 20 ml of Roots Organic Cal Mag once a week. I've had caterpillars and lots of powdery mildew. Over the past week or so, it rained two days, and the other days I've sprayed with something: Bt for the cats twice, potassium bicarbonate twice for the WPM, at 1 TBSP dissolved in a gallon of water. I've given them heavy soaking sprays in the evenings when they're in the shade with another hour of so of diffuse light, but I wonder about spraying every day. I've cut out quite a few yellow leaves or leaves with WPM, which I've done as much for the defoliation / air circulation as anything. I have a fan blowing all the time...a breeze is hard to come by these days.

I've been thinking the yellowing leaves were normal for this time of year, but it seems to have accelerated, and now with the discoloration on the tips of leaves.

Whatcha think?? Thanks, all.

When the tips turn that is usually nute burn. But something else might be going on if the whole leaf is turning. Can't really tell from those pictures.
that is a big plant and it’s getting later in the season nearer to harvest and that plant is just freaking out because it knows it’s life and it’s mission will be fulfilled

if your soil is good that plant will keep on trucking

if not , add some beneficial tea , worm castings , heck , throw on some rose flowering ferts , she is hungry for potassium

in the meantime , don’t worry about those yellowing fan leaves , they are being cannibalized by the plant....when they ar about dead , they can easily be plucked off .....you might as well start trimming now , a little at a time , it’s no problem for the plant

a cannabis plant can lose up tom30% of its fan leaves and it will,have no negative effects on the photosynthesis process

i have a few large plants outside that look similar to yours and I’ll try and take a few photos and post them in my Thread

Yeah, I'd say a slight nutrient burn but not bad enough to worry about really..
Give that beast some calmag, back off the Nitrogen, her leaf's are very dark green at this later stage and by her looks she's not needing to steal it from the leaf's.. PK is your friend now.. Big Bud works miracles and is available in organic or not.. Flower stacker by Humboldt is another I use..

luck man

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