leaves folding in?

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bluealein56 said:
lol. your right.
but im using a 400 w mh conversion bulb with fox farm nutes
I come across the same thing from time to time.I use acouple 400 MH for veg. The folding or cupping like that in my case's,its the intensity of the MH.Back off the light until your plants gets use to such intense light then you can bring it back down later.Hope this helps,Keep it GREEN:D

my next ? was gunna be... how close r the lights.... :giggle:

they almost look like they are drying out from the light source, even though the soil is still moist....
i gave them half strength, of the big grow and the big bloom as suggested at half strength, but that was over a week ago and it was their first and only feed thus far and the soil has ZERO nutes. A homemade blend from a local nursery. i do remember now that i did a little experiment and tried to foliar feed with this same brew at a lower strength about 4 days ago. I never really saw much of an improvement though, and this had already started to occur in a few others. Im thinking about giving a water and feed with maybe a little bit stronger dose with a dose of ebsom salt as well. Although the big grow already has a little magnessium
whats weird is the soil is still really moist around the trunk of the plants not even a cm below the surface, but dry on the edges all the way down(or atleast as far as my finger can reach), they are 5 gallons and i feed the about 1 1/4 gallons of water each 10 days ago
That crazy vancouver guy said:
lol... hey, man... that's just the way I talk/am... I actually type what I would say, as I'm sure most do... sorta... but for me... I type as fast as I would say it, so I type what is in my mind... and what I would say... know what I mean?... and well hey... I'm a crazy as s guy... seriously... (head injury) ;) :cool:

why do u think I smoke pot? ? ? :giggle:

My favorite ramblings are when you get srunk and give it a go on your growing tips thread. it was one of my favs i will have to say. and as i was reading i swear i really was thinking " this guy really does sound like a stoned drunk guy just talking like a mad scientist with an arrogance about him with a whiskey drink in one hand and a smoke in the other and some one is just typing out every word this man says" now thats just what i was thinking and i was really high when i made that analogy and right now and is in no way meant to be taken as offensive as i think the mad scientist guy from Vancouver is an alright guy
Adding a wetting agent to your water/nute mix will usually help the water evenly distribute into the soil.I simply add nutes,air rate,add 5 drops(5 gal,1 drop per gal.)check/adj. ph and water.Try it you might like it!.
If you place the top of your hand canopy level and it gets warm,your lights might b 2 close.I would rather c ur plants s t r e a c h than burn.Do u c any yellow"bleachy" spots on leaves close 2 the light if so move them up.GOOD LUCK
noep no yellowing at all or burnt or brown spots. they look healthy they just feel dry i guess. and its not cold. the air is being blown in by a 300 cfm inline fan on a 6 inch duct run which i use to directly cool my bulb and as an intake system and the air blowing on the bulb is around 30 something before it hits the light bulb. its cold here. the room stays around 74 -81 depending on whether i turn the oscillating fan on or off.
That crazy vancouver guy said:
lol... a forum full of doctors... lol

"deffinitly this..."... "give it some of this..."... "could be that..."



I ain't say'n NOTH'N...

yer just as well off now as when you asked the question... LMAO :cool:

So where is your answer DR.CRAZY!!:p you seem to have all the answers..but did not bother to help this member..:rolleyes: :confused:
wow... only a month old, and you have them in 5 gal pots... and are feeding a whole gallon and half?

that sounds like what I gave my girls that were OUTSIDE (which dries the pots out way faster, being black and only 3 gal pots) mind u... I fed more frequently... but my girls were like 4 months old, so a lot bigger.

in other words... I think you are giving too much water.

back to the plant... ya...have you looked at the sick plant fixes in the Resources link? I would stay at the half strength the next time you give nutes, too... how are you giving nutes? feed,feed,water?
4u2sm0ke said:
So where is your answer DR.CRAZY!!:p you seem to have all the answers..but did not bother to help this member..:rolleyes: :confused:

reread all my posts, 4u... and I don't claim to be the doctor... I was simply making a comment the first time too....
May I have a go at it. Your plants look very healthy man, But you are doing to much to them. Foliar feeding its unnecessary..... this is just like if you were eating regularly and just decided to get feed through your veins.:confused2: One more thing are they four weeks from seed or first sight at the break....either way its kinnda small for four weeks. Best advice, leave babies alone man, let them focus on growing and maybe they will grow. The droopiness is probably because they are telling you that they need water. When is the last time you watered them? I dont think its Mag def. the nutes you have contain a adequate amount of mag. If you think its Mag Def, just up the nutes up slightly and see how they react. If anyone think Im being to harsh..... we are friends. One more thing blue what does your medium consist of. Your medium may hold water to long.....I hope I helped a little.:D
Whenever I get taco leaf like that I add some cal-mag and it clears up quickly. Just trying to help using my experiences.
ILoveganja.com said:
May I have a go at it. Your plants look very healthy man, But you are doing to much to them. Foliar feeding its unnecessary..... this is just like if you were eating regularly and just decided to get feed through your veins.:confused2: One more thing are they four weeks from seed or first sight at the break....either way its kinnda small for four weeks. Best advice, leave babies alone man, let them focus on growing and maybe they will grow. The droopiness is probably because they are telling you that they need water. When is the last time you watered them? I dont think its Mag def. the nutes you have contain a adequate amount of mag. If you think its Mag Def, just up the nutes up slightly and see how they react. If anyone think Im being to harsh..... we are friends. One more thing blue what does your medium consist of. Your medium may hold water to long.....I hope I helped a little.:D
:48: cough.... now lets see....................
Ummm NO! Actually to all that said it was mag deffeciency go ahead and give your self an applause people. Twas that. But first MR gayanja foliar feeding is good for your plants. Its all in how you do it. No im not trying to straight feed my plants through their leaves.
Turns out im only a rookie at growing MJ. I been gardening all my life my friend and have worked a few nurseries in my time. :farm:Like i said before you just pipe down. :cool:
And no they were not telling me they needed water since the soil has been moist since the beginning of the symptoms.If anything the crazy guy was probably right, i think they were also too wett.
And one more thing..... Dont you talk crap about the size of my girls. Just cause there not stretching doesnt mean anything. These plants are only 4 weeks old from sprout from top of soil, and the two oldest ones are almost touching the edges of the 5 gallon pot. yeah just pipe down Gayanja. I want wide ones not tall ones. What am i gonna do with a 5 foot plant? really come on.

And for the foliar feed, i wish i would have used the wetting agent more since i have a cheap mister. Ughh i think next time ill elect to just fix that deficciency with just mixing in the regular feed and water and give it at watering. I dont think its not necessary to foliar feed i just think i wont do it again unless its a big issue. But it did work, it just left a thin white residue on the leaves that i easily washed off with a quick spray of distilled water.
Thanks all for the help. Ill make a new little thread when i put these in flower hopefully
Hey yes i just read over this post and i was about to say my plants had the same prob, but a lil worse actually. I moved the light higher up and some mag and a little more than normal nutes and by the next day they looked substantially better. Hope you got your stuff together by now if not, hurry up mang! lol peace
That crazy vancouver guy said:
nutes, too... how are you giving nutes? feed,feed,water?
i thought about doing this way. I have feed the past two times so i think the next time i will water. is this a good feed rotation?
bluealein56 said:
and yeah i did also raise the lights a bit

"Tacoing" of the leaves can be a sign of mg deff'., BUT.. it most usually is accompanied by interveinal "chlorosis" if it is mg related. Which I don't detect in your plnts.
It might be just the temperature. In the last week it has been colder than normal here and my hybrid is doing the same thing.

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