leaves folding in?

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Misderected Hostilty
Dec 11, 2008
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leaves slightly folding in on a few plants. soil seems to not bee too dry, ph believed to be around 6.9, ph tester broke last week. Only use distilled bottled water. fox farm nutes, still havent gone full strength with it yet and they are right at 4 weeks old. other than the slight fold a few sets of leaves the plants look very healthy? anyone with any ideas or is this common?
mag deficiency, is what it sounds like. Maybe try some epsoms salts
mendo local said:
mag deficiency, is what it sounds like. Maybe try some epsoms salts
thanks, kinda thought that from reading some stuff. abouta half a table spoon per gallon sound about right or a little more?
Yeah man you really need to get some pics up. A doctor can only diagnose so much without those Xrays. If you really have a problem and want to found out whats wrong put pics up, just go down to manage attachments button and press it. Don't waste your time and your plants time because that might not be whats wrong with it. Use this site to your advantage man.:postpicsworthless:
Id be willing to bet that its an Mg diff but like 4u said id not be happy till i can see what it looks like. The amount you have read is right on the epsoms. Id ask what kind of soil are you growing in first, there may be some nutes in it already and you dont nee the salts but it needs a flush.
ILoveganja.com said:
Yeah man you really need to get some pics up. A doctor can only diagnose so much without those Xrays. If you really have a problem and want to found out whats wrong put pics up, just go down to manage attachments button and press it. Don't waste your time and your plants time because that might not be whats wrong with it. Use this site to your advantage man.:postpicsworthless:

pipe down ganja. turns out i know how to post pics, weird stuff hu?
:confused: ha ha
Here is the porn that you sick ******'s crave soo much!lol
Anyways Im thinking that it just needs a good feeding. been over a week since their last watering and half strength nutes. I foliar feed an epsom salt remedy for the ladies. I dont think they liked it too much, but it could be cause i fimmed them right before the epsom salt spray down.No bad side effects occured their was just no improvement.












and no nothing has been eating at my leaves, for some reason two of my plants are just deformed. all the new growth is symetrical and not deformed. i think it was from the gross soil i started them in
Oh and they are all "orphans" one has purple tips on the leaves and edges lining the new leafs, all close to 4 weeks old
lol... a forum full of doctors... lol

"deffinitly this..."... "give it some of this..."... "could be that..."



I ain't say'n NOTH'N...

yer just as well off now as when you asked the question... LMAO :cool:
That crazy vancouver guy said:
lol... a forum full of doctors... lol

"deffinitly this..."... "give it some of this..."... "could be that..."



I ain't say'n NOTH'N...

yer just as well off now as when you asked the question... LMAO :cool:

lol. your right.
but im using a 400 w mh conversion bulb with fox farm nutes
Maybe lighting arrangements? Move them closer? Get more? And move it closer? Doesnt look THAT bad to me...... Id just make sure lights were good and let it ride man its not lookin bad at all so I dont beleive it would be a life and death situation at this point...... Id say use the "touch & go" method for a few days....

Goodluck broseph!
:fly: :fly: :fly:
k... about 4 weeks... what strength are you giving right now? (ppm)
Oh just seen your last post.... Havent seen a "conversion bulb" before now.....

You just put that in a regular bulb socket and presto?

Edit: I am high. Disreguard the above jacka$$ question.

if yer sure yer PH is around 6.9... then u deffinitely wanna lower that reading to around 6.4....

and... yer plant looks really green... it's deffinitely getting enough nitrogen... but... like I do myself, because I max my feedings out, you might be giving the little baby a little too much of other things, I'm thinking... cuz yer leaves are looking a little... funky, too... like I always get when I'm feeding too much... too high a ppm... like... these fox farm nutes... do they give a ppm reading for how much you give per litre or gallon?

and hey, Lotus... don't go think'n I'm acting a big-shot, or noth'n... I'm just tryna help this guy/gal out...
That crazy vancouver guy said:
and hey, Lotus... don't go think'n I'm acting a big-shot, or noth'n... I'm just tryna help this guy/gal out...

Naw man you arent coming off as a thunder chub, In fact what I usually
read from you never makes me 2nd guess that you are actually
trying to help, A little sarcasm isnt always bad. Im actually making
mental notes when it comes to the young plants and feeding as Im
trying to be a little more on top of my next grow which will be very soon.

Trying to avoid some of the mistakes I made the last time around...
lol... hey, man... that's just the way I talk/am... I actually type what I would say, as I'm sure most do... sorta... but for me... I type as fast as I would say it, so I type what is in my mind... and what I would say... know what I mean?... and well hey... I'm a crazy as s guy... seriously... (head injury) ;) :cool:

why do u think I smoke pot? ? ? :giggle:

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