I know 4U, That one cup got knocked over so i planted another seed and they both came up. I need to get one outta there huh.
4u2sm0ke said:you have two in one cup Rose...or is it twins?
Hampster...how old are yours?....they grow fast:stoned:
Rosebud said:I know 4U, That one cup got knocked over so i planted another seed and they both came up. I need to get one outta there huh.
orangesunshine said:Hey hammy.... Show us what you got brother...Have you got alternating nodes.....lets see your tiedown
Hamster Lewis said:Same thing happened to me Rose. I dropped a cup of soil with a Satori bean in it and thought I lost the bean. Put another bean in and wound up with 2. Separated them and both are doing well.
lovbnstoned said:when they r top or fim,,, do they grow thicker,, or faster ??
lovbnstoned said:HL nice lookin babies