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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2007
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So My home state of KY finally went medical as of the first of the year....... and Recreational is now in the discussion....... and self cultivation up to 5 plants....... How would you work this to stay legal?????? One mother and clone Or should i go back to my goto...... find a nice strain, and reveg them over and over????? Ive been out of the game a while...... family issues..... But I was always a Hydro guy, DWC
Good to see KY go medical at least. It'll take them some time to go rec but it'll happen.

Get a license if ya wanna stay legal. Or do like many of us and you did in the past. Keep it on the low.

Im in Ohio so I cranked up my grow room last about a year ago. I was a dwc hydro guy too but have flipped to peat. It's just easier for me and fits my situation.

Oh, welcome aboard. I look forward to seeing ya get growing again.
Good to see KY go medical at least. It'll take them some time to go rec but it'll happen.

Get a license if ya wanna stay legal. Or do like many of us and you did in the past. Keep it on the low.

Im in Ohio so I cranked up my grow room last about a year ago. I was a dwc hydro guy too but have flipped to peat. It's just easier for me and fits my situation.

Oh, welcome aboard. I look forward to seeing ya get growing again.
Why I was trying to log on again....... last night.... heard the news about the rec bill going thru the state house last night and was like WTF!!!!! and the self cultivation up to 5 plants..... which is better than Ohio..... I know under six was always a misdameanor here in the bluegrass but 5 being legal is HUGE step...... I dont think OHIO lets you grow yer own without a license and there are a ton of hoops ..... have to geet a caregiver license and some other things...... Frankly.... If I dont grow it myself..... I dont trust it with all the crap out there now..... Acid and fentanyl dipped stuff.......
So My home state of KY finally went medical as of the first of the year....... and Recreational is now in the discussion....... and self cultivation up to 5 plants....... How would you work this to stay legal?????? One mother and clone Or should i go back to my goto...... find a nice strain, and reveg them over and over????? Ive been out of the game a while...... family issues..... But I was always a Hydro guy, DWC
Is it 5 total ? Because they tell us 6 per each adult up to 2 adults per household. When you read you can have double. 6 in flower and 6 in veg. I just kerp growing as I harvest 6 I have the next 6 already veg. Then they get flipped and I start more. Read the laws. They are different from State yo state but the will specify. Down to the last detail.. I am always 2 months from a harvest. It keeps me in weed too
From what I heard last night..... yea, it would 5 growing per household I could be wrong..... But it would be an open season to basically grow yer own..... From what I know of Ohio Laws..... yer still still not allowed.... Gotta go thru dispenseraies and the like..... But give me a lil time...... I can get a hella lot of yield out of 5 plants..... \
Ill be honest...... im not a big user..... Hell i drove trucks for 30 years..... got tested almost every month..... i just like growing this plant....its soothing..... plus 30 years ago i was kinda a heavy smoker of tobacco....... finally beat that habit and afraid to slip back into that....... now that it looks to be legal here soon..... it doesnt mean i wont make aa crock pot of butter and butter my biscuits in the morning HEH
Ill be honest...... im not a big user..... Hell i drove trucks for 30 years..... got tested almost every month..... i just like growing this plant....its soothing..... plus 30 years ago i was kinda a heavy smoker of tobacco....... finally beat that habit and afraid to slip back into that....... now that it looks to be legal here soon..... it doesnt mean i wont make aa crock pot of butter and butter my biscuits in the morning HEH
It’s good on crackers too. I do that before bed sometimes it helps me sleep.

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