Kiwi Seeds Outdoor Mix "seed 2 Weed"

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tn_toker420 said:
Is that Bayer Bug spray supplied at WalMart usually??? I already have sevin bud spray, but it just doesn't cover some things it seems...lately spiders and knats are everywhere....Unc, looking good...Hopefully i can get my journal updated tomorrow, check it out and leave some pro advice...Can't wait for an update on those babies (with pics) :D Keep it up and Keep it GREEN

No idea if its suplied at walmart as I am not blooming american lol

Even though things like blackfly and fungus gnats arent on there it does seem to work on them :) If gnats are your problem try getting some of those sticky fly eating plants they love em!

lol bud. ask around on here about home made insecticides, i'm sure someone can help and I know they really work :)
:rolleyes: Save Momma Mel:rolleyes:

Now this is spreading.....................

I have studied Momma Mel

Looked under, over and all around her......................

Watched which Good and Bad bugs are present................

There really is nothing out of the ordinary that I can see............

So later today I will begin a Home Brew Insecticide Experiment.........

This will at 1st be used on 1 selected infected area.

Caution is the order of the day.......


KGB30 said:
Looking good Uncle.

EH???? Your doin th blind thing again aint ya! His plants are sick, how is that looking good?! lol What plant is that in your avatar?

Bud. sorry to hear their sickly, hope you can sort something out soon :)
Thorn said:
EH???? Your doin th blind thing again aint ya! His plants are sick, how is that looking good?! lol What plant is that in your avatar?

Bud. sorry to hear their sickly, hope you can sort something out soon :)

Yes I know it's having bug issues Future MOD.... lol... The plant looks good to me buddie..... :p :p :p :hairpull: :hairpull:

Sun Flower bud opening... Thorn you need to borrow Uncles glasses
Just to let you know your not alone, my micro cosmos is experiencing the same, 1 thing we have in common, tomato plants touching/in close proximity, so get your thinking cap on!

Pic 1, Same intrusions into leaf as you.

Pic 2, Same damage.

Pic 3, I see this, a white/cream dot, 1mm across, it seems to start with some kind of sap appearing from god knows where.

Pic 4, it goes direct through the plant leaf, then seems to wither and die leaving the hole.

I have a massive one, its hugely long and much thicker than normal, it takes ages to fully get to grips with its size, 1 thing I have noticed, and here is the clue, I have a beef steak growing next to it, ONLY the leaves flapping and touching the tom plant show the damage of the pics ive shown, coincidence??

I had the same last year, and guess what, I was growing toms next to the plant too, there has to be a lesson here, we just havnt logged the reason toms do this yet, maybe the same parasite or insect.

2 pest.jpg

2 pest 2.jpg

2 pest 3.jpg

2 pest 4.jpg
Thanks buddy:aok:

Very interesting Hip

I've been out at sunset tonight n scouted about, n still can not see what is causing this leaf damage.
I've been checked them at various times of day and still nothing out of the ordinary.

If I could see them my mind would rest a little better.



Is in between the Asparagus about 5' from the toms.

I will try the pepper spray,on 1 selected limb first, tomorrow morning.
KGB30 said:
Yes I know it's having bug issues Future MOD.... lol... The plant looks good to me buddie..... :p :p :p :hairpull: :hairpull:

Sun Flower bud opening... Thorn you need to borrow Uncles glasses

Haha yer cheeky get! Hehe funny you say that I don't think the current mods would ever allow it lol!

You know I really shoulda known what it was - I've been growing red and dwarf chocolate sunflowers this year :rolleyes: Gotta love love em!

Take it easy :cool:
I found a very tiny Cadapilar eating my Sun Flower this morning leaf. I could barely see it. I killed it..

I have had only one attack on my Sativas a Cadapillar... I tied the Tomato plants back so there leafs won't touch the Sativas..
Not much to report, Mutts Stuff has been applied twice, with no apparent harm caused to Mel.

It is however to early to tell if it is helping............

I did however see a few of these guys about yesterday, who don't appear to mind the replant.........:doh:



hey buddy LOVING the avatar picture. What a waste of life, imagine what Ledger would have gone on to do after the joker!!!

How are you and your ladies doing?
I wish i was able to grow out side...:rant:
matt420lane said:
I wish i was able to grow out side...:rant:

Bet you wish you could grow at all

qpbjp :rolleyes:
:eek: I'm So Sorry Unc...IT's ALL MY FAULT:doh: ...Ah i hate to hear about the bugs , i'm sick of the little buggers...It looks to me like you're having the same problem i am/was ...i'm still exactly sure, but the holes/intrusions looked exactly like yours'...and i also found that exact bug in the pic crawling around ...hope ya get it fixed Bud, cye :D

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