Kiwi Seeds Outdoor Mix "seed 2 Weed"

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It's been getting Hot of late, high 30s Celsius to low 40s C ( 102F/110F)
Now the girls in the patch are looking :aok:

I have been watering them nearly every other day, generally in the evenings as temps begin to drop, 2gals/10ltrs each.

Storms have been forecast but seem to pass us by.

The well I made around each plant are retaining the water while it soaks into the ground. The following day, if I remember, I break up the surface crust of soil. This helps retain moisture in the ground by preventing capillary action.

However, I do on occasions forget to do this and this is what I was greeted with yesterday morning during my rounds.


Early morning inspections, are the norm for me.
At 6am most of my neighbours are still in there beds.
I find that I can check each plant under and over, looking for any signs of insect infestation or any other issues that may be starting.
Suppercroping any shoots and side shoots that catch my eye.
It is also a good time of day to take some snap shots.

Momma Mel

Momma SCD


Momma SM

Looking ok for a part timer, Ive been watching your temps, how do you plan on managing the ambient temps your hitting?, some days its very hot.


what other super powers do you possess?

you musta read my mind..............:spit:

I was planning to follow up with a few ideas of how to Beat the Heat, in the patch and container gardening.


I don't have the time to go into that now;)

Your just gona have too wait.............................

Ok, it's been getting hot.................

My patch plants are loving it......................

However, I want to give them all the help I can.

I use a rainwater collection system to water my veg patch and with no real rain for quite a while now, water conservation is on my mind.

I always water my girls in the evenings as the temps begin to drop.
While doing so it became apparent that the soil that Momma Mel, who lives amongst the shade of my Asparagus, is planted in. Stays moist much longer than Momma SCD and SM, who are exposed to almost constant sunshine.

I therefore decided that a bit of mulching could only help SCD n SM.
Both girls received a good drenching and then I applied a 4" mulch of home-made compost around there base.
All the surrounding soil was also heavily watered and then a 4" mulch of straw was applied.

This will benefit all of my plants in this area, providing insulation and helping slow down water evaporation.

Not only this but later in the year when all the crops have been harvested.
It will also provide much needed Humus to the soil, after I have dug it in.
This in turn will provide a greater water holding ability to this soil.

Once again, with water conservation on my mind and rising temps.
I thought I would share a few tips on how I am keeping my Container Girls happy in the heat.

I am using 5gal black pots, which are fine.
Yet they do heat up in the sun.
This can cause root burn and excessive water evaporation.

There are many ways to help this, which I may cover at a later date.

At the moment I am using a very simple solution.
I have placed my girls into large buckets.
This helps to cool the root zone and slow water evaporation.

As I mostly work from home, I am also able to spin these buckets a couple of times a day.

Just a simple thing like this can help.
The bucket side facing the sun is considerable hotter than its backside to the touch. :eek:

If I feel it is simple too hot in the sun, I move my plants to a shady spot.

When it comes to watering, I have always been a big fan of Bottom Feeding/watering.

I simply place the pot into a larger tub and fill to just the underside of my plants pot. Let it sit until the compost surface is damp. Then place the pot onto a brick in another tub and catch the run off. Which is reused until all my plants have been watered. Any excess run off is used to water my border flowers.

All right Uncle care to elaberate on black pot color containers that can or may cause damage to the roots do to heat... Plants looking good...
Right on Unc...Loooking good...Can't wait to see some big fat colas on those babies...Keep it Up
KGB30 said:
All right Uncle care to elaborate on black pot colour containers that can or may cause damage to the roots do to heat... Plants looking good...

Sure can KGB

My understanding is that Black does not reflect sunlight, black in fact absorbs all the light spectrum colours (which are energy waves) these black objects heat up because energy is being absorbed by it.

As the secondary roots in your container spread horizontally they touch your container before they begin to work there way down, towards the bottom. Therefore these roots are at risk of overheating and becoming damaged....

I did start a little Experiment on this but to be honest I do not have the time or energy to continue it at the moment.

As you may see from the pics below a temp difference of 3 C or 37.4 F is being recorded by my rather cheep Thermometer.


Okay... So how do you protect your ladies pots from too much sun heat since they are already matured in black pot containers...
Your plants are doing nicely.
A note on how to take care of bugs. Try Hydrogen Peroxide. Won't hurt the plants and will kill most bugs. I used it on mealy bugs and I think I got the buggers. Put in a spray bottle, 1 cup peroxide to 1 - 2 cups of water, I added a little Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom to the water. Feed while you kill the bugs.
My clones are in plastic containers and they get quite hot when they are in the sun. as opposed to wood that my larger plants are in.
KGB30 said:
Okay... So how do you protect your ladies pots from too much sun heat since they are already matured in black pot containers...

At the moment I am moving mine around, out of the heat of the sun and using the large tubs as an insulation barrier.

My plants seem happy with this, as am I. These were late starters that I was gifted. I had no intentions to grow in containers this year. If I had of, I would have provided the root zones much more protection.

There are many many ways to approach these kind of issues. I may if I can find the time go into different methods to help control heat around the root zone.
BUgs... try this stuff, used it on my lady the other day as she had a few fungus gnats. Also used it on my sunflowers, runerbeans and jalapenos

Bayer Garden PROVADP Ultimate Bug Killer
Bayer Garden Provado Ultimate Bug Killer 3Ltr

Kills wide range of pests.
Contains 0.150g/l thiacloprid as a ready to use aqueous formulation.
Use on flowers, fruit, vegetables and herbs.
Fast-acting and systemic.
Adjustable nozzle for different spray patterns.
Great for large overgrown areas.
Also suitable as a spot treatment.
Supplied complete with usage and safety instructions.
Thanks KGB30 sorry I was being lazy hehe
Is that Bayer Bug spray supplied at WalMart usually??? I already have sevin bud spray, but it just doesn't cover some things it seems...lately spiders and knats are everywhere....Unc, looking good...Hopefully i can get my journal updated tomorrow, check it out and leave some pro advice...Can't wait for an update on those babies (with pics) :D Keep it up and Keep it GREEN
Right Guys

Who started talking about BUGS? :rolleyes:

Coz you have gone and jinxed me.......................:mad:


With few funds available at the mo.......................:shocked:

I am going to go the home made route.................... :holysheep:

Yes pics will be included, before and after pics.................


Just cut it out right..................:rant:

Or I will cut Matt loose n you don't want that:chuck: :hitchair: :chuck:

He is chained up for a reason :shocked:

and doesn't get out much

You Have been Warned;)

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