KGB30 Growing Journal "Sativa Hybrid"

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wow bro, those nuggs are really startin to pop! good job! that color looks great! I was hoping for some coloration on mine but I'm thinkin the temps are a little too high. I've been slowly lowering the night time temp in hopes of gettin some purple on those blueberry kush nuggs... We'll see... How much longer are you thinking you're gonna have to flower before harvest? I'm comin' down to the last few weeks on mine! Keep it up buddy!!!
Now thats my kinda porn. yummy.
the ladies are looking very beautiful.
tn_toker420 said:
OOh man...Wow, they've blown up on me! They're lookin' good KG ... Can't help but to love the color's good to keep it GREEN, but in this case keep 'er PINK...

So sorry friend been busy making money for the family.. Wife lost her job and is injured.. Afterswering I'll post some sexy
trillions of atoms said:
plants lookin good....i still remember the three you gave me... BOO.

Whats up!!! I gave you? I don't give or sale ...

Thanks for the visit buddy
occg.hydro said:
wow bro, those nuggs are really startin to pop! good job! that color looks great! I was hoping for some coloration on mine but I'm thinkin the temps are a little too high. I've been slowly lowering the night time temp in hopes of gettin some purple on those blueberry kush nuggs... We'll see... How much longer are you thinking you're gonna have to flower before harvest? I'm comin' down to the last few weeks on mine! Keep it up buddy!!!

I had to stop growing indoors and put the bubble gum out side.. So far two males out of five Man are my Sativas growing awesome.

I keep the soil PH at 7.0.

I started two weeks ago lowering my water PH too 6.0.

On my second Sativa I used my new way a growing and man the bud grow was so much quick... Hick was right.:D

Betwean working and taking care of my plants no time to
OliieTea said:
Now thats my kinda porn. yummy.
the ladies are looking very beautiful.

Thanks for the kinds words. I've learned so much on this first grow..:eek:
That crazy vancouver guy said:
look'n mighty fine, my friend :D :cool:

After two weeks of lowering my water ph too 6.0 man can I see a difference and keeping my soil too a 7.0 ph..

That Alfalfa Tea helps the ladies.:rolleyes:
Ok so I've been busy work & taking care of the ladies.. So hear ya go some tasty fully naked ladies. Oh ya!!! Enjoy friends & buddies..:D

Sativa Lady 1-0.jpg

Sativa Lady 1-1.jpg

Sativa Lady 1-2.jpg

Sativa Lady 1-3.jpg

Sativa Lady 2-0.jpg

Sativa Lady 2-1.jpg

Sativa Lady 2-2.jpg

Sativa Lady 2-3.jpg
The ladies are beautiful KGB30. :aok:

Thanks buddy for the mad props... The ph of the soil & water make the
Hey KGB I did what you said and added earthworms a while ago actually my skunk1 is looking great and going to harvest SOON! Pistals are already turning amber so Im thinking in about 4weeks I will harvest Im just guessing though. I will give you a picture tomorrow. Good night and thanks for the great tip.
HEY KG!!! whats up buddy??? i haven't been able to swing by lately, been a little busy with the pre-harvest and other stuff ...i know what ya mean about the money, time's are hard lately ...But the girls are at their best :D ...Sexy Ladies are waitin on me :) ...oh and , ole' Hef, he's workin wonders for the garden :D thanks KG ...Keep it Up buddy
hey kgb hows your week going? Hope all is well with you and the ladies :D
looking real good bro. sry havent been over here in awhile. life happens, right? sativas look great. keep up the great work KGB.
Hey KGB my pistals are turning amber now little by little I don't know when to start flushing because I have not been watching the calender. My gut tells me to start flushing but it could be another 3 or 4 weeks. My camera needs batteries so I will send you pics in the morning. If I flush early will this be a problem I dont want to wash away valuable nutes if she can use them a little longer ya know.
Congrats KGB you sure will have tons to smoke over the next grow.
Killertea08 said:
Hey KGB I did what you said and added earthworms a while ago actually my skunk1 is looking great and going to harvest SOON! Pistals are already turning amber so Im thinking in about 4weeks I will harvest Im just guessing though. I will give you a picture tomorrow. Good night and thanks for the great tip.

Thanks I am glad the earth warms
tn_toker420 said:
HEY KG!!! whats up buddy??? i haven't been able to swing by lately, been a little busy with the pre-harvest and other stuff ...i know what ya mean about the money, time's are hard lately ...But the girls are at their best :D ...Sexy Ladies are waitin on me :) ...oh and , ole' Hef, he's workin wonders for the garden :D thanks KG ...Keep it Up buddy

I wonder if Holly knows Hef has other ladies!!!! Whats up TN???

Man I had to harvest them early someone tried to steal them..Oh well all my 12 bubble & Buddha Cheese are flowering only 2 out of 12 where males ..

I'll post some pictures of them before the chop nand after.

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