After doing my nute change I have had a couple scares with my Critical Mango. The evening after the change the plant started to droop on top. I looked underneath and there was white foam in the reservoir. So, I switched it to an empty bucket - the SW went I to the flower tent. It perked up some by morning. Before heading up to bed last night I had the same thing happening, droopy leaves on top, but worse. So, I went ahead and did a complete reservoir cleaning and change. This morning I woke up to a healthy looking, perky plant again.
I also changed my air pumps. I moved the 50w from the flower tent, supplying just 3 buckets to the veg tent with 5 buckets. The 32w went to the flower tent and I shut off 3 ports. I also changed out some air stones, no more Wallyworld bar stones.
Now just waiting on my Hydroguard from Amazon, which is a couple stops away.