Iso Hash Oil

  • Thread starter THE BROTHER'S GRUNT
  • Start date
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heres the pics bought to go test the smal blob on sum small amount of weed i guesse



i vaporized that small stuff with a small bit of leaves fro a bud and it got me desentl y stoned so far hell ya!.. i cant wait for it all to dry id say about another hour :(
hehe..nice b grunt! ur hash off a hot knife is heaven! thx a bunch for this thread! STICKY THIS!!!
drfting07 said:
hehe..nice b grunt! ur hash off a hot knife is heaven! thx a bunch for this thread! STICKY THIS!!!
Whats up drfting. Glad you liked it.
only prob i found was my dish was hard to scrape so 20% was still on the pan when it was all said and done...oh well 4/20 is comin up so i have an excuse to make a big batch this time!!!
drfting07 said:
only prob i found was my dish was hard to scrape so 20% was still on the pan when it was all said and done...oh well 4/20 is comin up so i have an excuse to make a big batch this time!!!
Whats up drfting07. The reason you had a hard time getting the oil up was you need a clean razor blade. You can only scrape up so much with one razor blade then it just slides. When this happens just get a new blade and you should have no problem getting the rest up.
ic..well first time hash making went pretty well considering..i was stoned like i used to be when i first started smoking!
Bro Grunt - Good explaination of of QWISO (Quick Wash Iso).
I have found that the shorter the rinse time the better. You don't want the green tint you described. That's chlorophyll. The reason for doing the quick rinse is to extract the oils, not the chlor. I rinse for about one minute, and strain the the leaf matter as I poor the alchohol into the filter. That way the green material is not in contact with the alchohol for more than one minute. Ya follow? It takes a while to drain so for that reason I use only one filter.
I have also found it very beneficial to freeze the alchohol and trim or buds when using this method. I believe the chemical reaction that draws out the chlorophyll takes place at a slower rate at colder temps, helping you get a cleaner finished product. And lastly the higher percentage of Iso alchohol you get, the better. I found Rite-Aid carries 91% Iso, which means less water to evap.
Anyone else from KICC on these boards?
My last batch of QWISO. 5.4 grams of pure heaven.
Useless said:
Bro Grunt - Good explaination of of QWISO (Quick Wash Iso).
I have found that the shorter the rinse time the better. You don't want the green tint you described. That's chlorophyll. The reason for doing the quick rinse is to extract the oils, not the chlor. I rinse for about one minute, and strain the the leaf matter as I poor the alchohol into the filter. That way the green material is not in contact with the alchohol for more than one minute. Ya follow? It takes a while to drain so for that reason I use only one filter.
I have also found it very beneficial to freeze the alchohol and trim or buds when using this method. I believe the chemical reaction that draws out the chlorophyll takes place at a slower rate at colder temps, helping you get a cleaner finished product. And lastly the higher percentage of Iso alchohol you get, the better. I found Rite-Aid carries 91% Iso, which means less
water to evap.
Anyone else from KICC on these boards?
My last batch of QWISO. 5.4 grams of pure heaven.

I wondered when someone would mention this, the greener the solution the more clorophyl and essential oils there will be, when first trying this method solution came out nearly black.

Hick, great expl. of hash v hash oil, could it also be said that hash is trics with walls intact that are pressed together in thier natural state?

By the same token hash oil seems to indicate that the trics walls are broken down by solvent and flow together as an oil?

B. Grunt; I've tried this method found a couple probs, one the darn stuff just won't dry out had the last batch sittin in front of furnace air duct for weeks and it never dried like above, I'm wondering if humidity has something to do with it? and the other is I found that the coffee filters get plugged quite easily, and it's too icky to squeeze them out, so i found an inexpensive lab filter the kind you put a little vacuum on the flask and pulls the fluid right through, voila, no sticky fingers, and with seperate action with new Vodka or other tasty alcoholic beverage, rince the flask and save resulting fluid to add to a solution, for Green Dragon (used as normal mixer) or a tincture (thicker yet) for afternoon tea, or cooking! (yum) when used to cook there's no mj roughage that many folks find distasteful!

Great thread!:D
a clean white teeshirt works well also.
Alright, so you use the buds and its the trichs and whatnot that make the hash. I have a male plant, indica, my only plant. I have grown this thing for over 2 months now, and I heard I can make hash from it. For the rubbing alcohol method, do I use the leaves and the flowers? should i use the balls of the plant before they turn into flowers?

Also I've heard there are ways to make hash without the rubbing alcohol, like with a frozen blender. Can I use that method to make hash with a male plant or is the isopropyl way the only way to go? Thanks for any help you can give me!
An X-member here by the name of slowhand provided a how to for ice hash. but..THC is alcohol soluable. In my opinion, the ISO wash would be the best rout. Soak that whole thing. Stems and all. Get what little ya can outa it. The alcohol should leave a lot of unwanted material behind.
So just cut the whole plant and soak the whole damn thing? Should I cut it up or grind it after I dry? When is a good time to pull the plant out and start drying it? i'm at 2 months and one week.
lol...wet soggy weed..hahaha...she is lucky that candle did not ignite the iso.....Remember this!.....If you use flame or heat with iso...does not matter how much you use, you have just added the main key to the fuel mixture, and if you have the correct air/spark/fuel will get burnt bad. A few young greedy sith in the city were doing it in a garage a few weeks back. They used a hot plate...and of course it exploded, all 4 of them 2nd degree burns all over body, burnt the garage down, will be like grounded for life when they recover and prob have to wear vader suits. DONT USE HEAT, ITS DANGEROUS AND KILLS THC.....FROZEN ICE IS PROB THE BEST AND YOU COULD SHAKE THAT IN A LARGE JAR IF NEED BE......and yes the term frozen ice sounds stupid, just wanted to clarify that it wasnt iso.......
Thank you all...I've been searching the web for awhile now and I have to say that this thread is the most comprehensive I've found concerning the QWIso method of extraction. Now I've got a question for you all...I have quite a bit of trim from a couple of grows and have done a couple of runs of ISO recently...I only use 99% iso in a one minute wash and even then I get a product that I can handle quite anyway, my question...would I benefit from doing a water cure of my trim, drying it and then doing the ISO wash? My thinking is that a water cure would wash away alot of the chlorophyll from the material and would give me a cleaner tasting end product.

Oh yeah, I should mention a couple of other things here...I do things a bit differently than I've read here...I run the ISO thru a double filter system using one regular paper coffee filter that is inside a permanent gold screened permanent coffee filter. When I'm through straining it I put it in a 9"X12" pyrex baking dish, this has rounded corners, making it easier to get everything that is left in the dish. I also use an electric heating pad, under the pyrex, set on low heat to do the evaporation work quicker.


Sorry to yell...but that part is extremly important. Do it outside if at all possible, if not use plenty of ventilation. Just can't emphasize this enough.

yeap your right jb . i know 2 people that has had heating pads catch on fire on them and 1 had her head on it sleeping.
I've read elsewhere that the finished ISO should be purged prior to use...does
anyone know what this means? How to do it properly...benefits?


i made some iso...i smoked was great..thanks TBG

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