Island Of Misfits

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OK, Hippie... I just went through my bag o' tricks to see what I shall smoke this fine evening, and came upon a chunk of Gorilla Glue #4. I also dug up a nug of Lucinda Williams, and broke out a bud of the White Truffle. So, what should I smoke?

A - Gorilla Glue #4

B - Lucinda Williams

C - White Truffle
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I've got a lot of runnin' to do tomorrow and beer to drink in the afternoon. I'm hoping to get to sleep before the sun comes up. It'll be the first time since Friday. I get tired, but then I get a second wind. I even turned off the computer and TV last night and layed in bed doing nothing but tossing and turning. Finally gave up and turned the boobtube back on. Nodded off when daylight was peaking through the blinds.
Plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead. :)
I hear ya, my sleep is so erratic and I hate when I can't get comfortable - constantly getting up/down. I try turning off devices, and that helps me some. But if I am just laying there awake I will turn on the radio. And if I drink caffeine after 4 pm, I'm going to have problems with sleep, too
Good morning brothers and sisters of the elderly poot!

Rain here starting at 51F and predicted to reach 66F.

Dropping our Jeep off at the dealership to have a couple of recalls taken care of and an appointment for bids to repair the second break in the kitchen drain line, under the walkway.

I designed a new walkway on Auto Cad, using a mix of bricks and textured concrete, which I will be calling for bids on this afternoon.
Yeah I use to make those too.
I never tried them myself but a few good friends have said one can take Vape pooh (used vaped weed ) and put it up a peanutted cracker and good a good buzz too. Not as strong of course but it works.
I use to save all my used vaped weed (vapepooh) and load a teaball up and made a very nice cup of sleepytime tea at bedtime.

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