Island Of Misfits

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Many, many hours of work... a whole growing season is lost. I had picked (with great effort and a shitload of danger) all the mangoes on the tree. Put each pair of mangoes in a brown paper bag -- stem down -- with the top of the bag twisted shut.

The gas emanating from the mangoes in the paper bags stays in the bags and ripens the fruit. I had FIFTY brown paper bags full of mangoes stored in a 5'x4'x4' pile by my kitchen.

Yesterday, I even gave ten bags full to the guy performing maintenance on my RO water system. I had to call him and apologize.

They were all rotten.

I simply forgot -- after all that work -- to check them this last whole two weeks.

They reached perfect ripeness about a week ago.

I have a different kind of mango tree that is a month behind the other one. I will be doggone careful about checking them when they get picked.

But there had to have been a minimum of over a hundred hours of serious labor...

I weep snot.
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Got a surge of energy earlier, finished mowing the front and did the back yard…I’m pooped again… i’m pretty close to being done with the shooting range I’ve built out back so in the next couple days I’m going to sort through all of my ammo and categorize it and then run a bunch of it through the barrels of my 40 Cal Glocks… both the boys are laying next to me passed out on the floor, they’ve been chasing the lawnmower today and they’re pooped as well. Time for lunch
Turtles have been making their way in my backyard lately. Maryjane quickly lets me know about it when she finds them. I usually go pick it up and put it on the other side of the back fence gate near the lake tributary in the woods so they will be safe. They are usually pretty yellow box turtles but lately a big flat water looking turtle I was afraid that it might be a snapping turtle but didn’t know how to tell. He was moving really fast for a turtle. I knocked on his shell and picked him up with no snapping thank god. He was about a foot long and 10” in diameter. Should I have tested with a stick to see if he would bite first? How do I know if it’s a snapping turtle and if it is, will it bite me for moving it out of the yard? I tried to hold it from as far back as I could in case he reached his long neck out to bite me…
haha I’m stoned. Please help me 🤪
Turtles have been making their way in my backyard lately. Maryjane quickly lets me know about it when she finds them. I usually go pick it up and put it on the other side of the back fence gate near the lake tributary in the woods so they will be safe. They are usually pretty yellow box turtles but lately a big flat water looking turtle I was afraid that it might be a snapping turtle but didn’t know how to tell. He was moving really fast for a turtle. I knocked on his shell and picked him up with no snapping thank god. He was about a foot long and 10” in diameter. Should I have tested with a stick to see if he would bite first? How do I know if it’s a snapping turtle and if it is, will it bite me for moving it out of the yard? I tried to hold it from as far back as I could in case he reached his long neck out to bite me…
haha I’m stoned. Please help me 🤪
This is what a good size one looks like


Be careful if it is one they can reach pretty far back and bite real well.
I have seen them while playing with one cut a broom stick.
Your turtle could also be a big red ear slider Nice turtle.

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