Island Of Misfits

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Poor Poor Patwi
Morning Misfits. Greywolf sure hope you are feeling well after your operation. Been getting the kitchen ready for Thanksgiving. Me and TJ are going to a friends house for a get together. I'm cooking the turkey and apple pie. Have a great day Island Of Misfits.👾
Ness is Back ......................................... Have a Great Turkey Day if we dont see ya
GOOD LUCK I'm sure everything will be fine and we shall hear from you later today or tonight.
Just think you will have a new knee again (well sort of) Best of Luck GW

@GW....good luck .... Knee replacement is as simple as changing your socks....but that is easy for me to say I'm not the one going under the knife.

Greywolf sure hope you are feeling well after your operation.

Thank ya'll for the good thoughts! The surgery went well, though the process ended up being a circus and they did keep me overnight. I went in at 8:30AM and they didn’t get to me until about 4:00PM, forcing the overnight stay.

I used to be athletic, so have a slow resting heart beat around 52 to 54 when awake and lower when asleep, so I kept setting off the heart rate monitor set at 50 bpm and it would immediately wake me up. I finally got them to set it at 45 bpm, but then every time I moved for some reason it set off the blood oxygen sensor waking me up. I finally gave up and just spent the night reading a paleontology book on my Kindle.

They only had to replace the UHMW wear pad, but as it turns out, the pad wasn’t worn out, it was cracked from when I did the header slipping on the !@#$%^&*() anti-skid pad the city is putting at all the new handicap access curbs here. When they are wet, they are treacherous.

Clearly no one has tested their coefficient of friction wet, leading me wonder who is getting a kickback for installing them.

I plan to establish the wet coefficient of friction and send scathing letters to the Mayor, the responsible Commissioner, and the media.

50F @ 66% RH, cloudy, and predicted to stay at 50F.
Thank ya'll for the good thoughts! The surgery went well, though the process ended up being a circus and they did keep me overnight. I went in at 8:30AM and they didn’t get to me until about 4:00PM, forcing the overnight stay.

I used to be athletic, so have a slow resting heart beat around 52 to 54 when awake and lower when asleep, so I kept setting off the heart rate monitor set at 50 bpm and it would immediately wake me up. I finally got them to set it at 45 bpm, but then every time I moved for some reason it set off the blood oxygen sensor waking me up. I finally gave up and just spent the night reading a paleontology book on my Kindle.

They only had to replace the UHMW wear pad, but as it turns out, the pad wasn’t worn out, it was cracked from when I did the header slipping on the !@#$%^&*() anti-skid pad the city is putting at all the new handicap access curbs here. When they are wet, they are treacherous.

Clearly no one has tested their coefficient of friction wet, leading me wonder who is getting a kickback for installing them.

I plan to establish the wet coefficient of friction and send scathing letters to the Mayor, the responsible Commissioner, and the media.

50F @ 66% RH, cloudy, and predicted to stay at 50F.
Glad you are Out, I thought you should be around soon.
So soon you will taking the little lady
Going to start calling you Johnny T.

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