The World is so F**Ked
I do not understand the impossible situation of a government ignoring continued lawlessness.![]()
because they call it a peaceful protest when they riot but if the other side does it , they are insurrectionists and must be prosecuted!...now get in line!
Remember keep your powder dry, and count your shots
By who? ....I am furriorious that this is being allowed and feel sorry for real Americans living there.
I never once feared that the America I knew as a child would come to this point, I am truly afraid that the old system of Government (including how we value money ) will be thrown out with the bath water. I hate to say it but Younger people have no idea how hard their elders had to work to own what they have and save money in bank for the rainy days.(Just good policy and what was instilled in me by others who influenced my Life.)Very Sad that our Society has Dumbed down to the belief, "If it's free It's for me", and does not believe in the work hard , play hard as we did.REALLY PISSES ME OFF.Go Back if you want Hand Outs
They make me sick.![]()
I suspect now that it isn't partisan, sterner measures will be taken. Instead of enforcing the laws, they will write new ones taking away more of the rest of us's rights.
The current ICE protests are organized to accompany over 400 unaccompanied minors arriving at the US/Mexico border daily, and our holding capacity at 97%. That was after "he who's name shall not be spoken" removed the agreement with Mexico that they house the migrants until they could be processed, without making any provisions to deal with the aftermath.
The news is now blaming the fiasco on the "banned name" Administration's removal of the infrastructure.
Better yet, use weather proofed ammo, take a deep breath, relax, get in the zone, and remember the Marine Corps creed, "One shot, one kill!"
Born in 1943 via a leaky diaphragm during Mom's farewell goodbye to my father off to WWII and both my parents were stern taskmasters, but I always knew that I had it better than them missing being dirt poor in the Great Depression and WWII. I just missed Korea and was out of the corps and married before war was declared with Viet Nam in 1965, but although the 1945 Boomers saw Viet Nam, the next generation on didn't have conscription to deal with or a wolf at the door.
We took away children's ability to hire out for spending money, giving them the perspective that money grows on Dad's wallet trees and a sense of entitlement. "I didn't ask to be born. Feed me!!!!"
There is a reparation movement to pay people who have never been a slave money taxed from people who have never owned slaves and a large percentage with ancestors that fought for the North to free the slaves.
There is a movement for those taxpayers who couldn't afford to go to college, to pay the tuition for those who did, some of whom did nothing productive with their education or didn't choose their vocation wisely.
We aren't housing and feeding our own population and yet opening our borders to caravans of immigrants viewing us as the promised land.
We are sending technical jobs overseas and turning our economy into a service based one, with attendant lower paying jobs and loss of control of our manufacturing processes.
What I think we need are social programs that put the homeless to work, similar to the programs at the end of the Great Depression, so that they can feed themselves and rather than printing more money and handing out checks, courtesy of your friendly and helpful taxpayer supported government watching inflation rearing its ugly head and devaluing our life savings.
That and a few public mass hangings!
Adds new insight to the phrase, "eat me", doesn't it??
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He doesn't use a cain yet but he might need on soon if he doesn't stop preaching to me.Pute, ya need to go whip his old ass. Just make sure he don't hit you with his cane.
On second thought,,just put a sign in his yard saying all illegals welcome to stay here. Bet he changes his tune when they beat his ass and take his money.![]()
Place an Ad in Local Pennysaver FREE room and board for the Children without Boarders and put his name and address.Whew....I just finished reading you guys....I all stoked up...but old men just look out the window. Makes me wants to go across the street and best the crap out of my 75 year old neighbor. He thinks the immigrants flowing across our southern border are our children and it is the right thing to do.
Anyway, good morning brethren of the bud. I am gonna try and calm myself down and enjoy my coffee.