I'm just swinging by to say hullo. I lean Dem and piped up a little to hard and was pounded down some also. Don't feel alone. Politics is an easy troll topic so I have learned to leave politics alone, but comment on pot legislation and health is still on topic. Neither should be Red/Blue in my mind but politics has become very polarized.
I havent been called out since I restricted my talk. Others here don't have the capacity to filter. They get special dispensation. That doesnt excuse me.
The long time members had history with people that troll on a regular basis to cause trouble. They dont want their playground to be trashed. They step hard to not let a bunch of drama ruin what is one of the better sites for higher learning about pot growing, terps and genetics. These come in small nuggets of comments but are worth a lot to me, so I get it.
Just my take on stuff.