Island Of Misfits

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Does it get a little milder as it ages? That fresh garlic was way to intense for me and I eat garlic nearly everyday. I love it right out of the roaster on bread but the fresh stuff last year I couldn’t eat tasted like poison 😂

yes it does mellow out

some of our fresh garlic is as hot as a jalapeño but then again , we like it that way

there is some good garlic that comes out of Eastern Europe , we like the reds

we have a garlic cooker similar to this and does the garlic ever taste good when done , it is so soft , like butter , and I spread it over some hot French bread and a big plate of pasta

ok gotta go , biscuits and gravy at the Senior Center and a lot of farmer talk , wheat harvest just finished up around here so I will find out how many bushels an acre and what the weight was and if farmers can afford inputs to plant their winter wheat this fall

interesting farm times
yes it does mellow out

some of our fresh garlic is as hot as a jalapeño but then again , we like it that way

there is some good garlic that comes out of Eastern Europe , we like the reds

we have a garlic cooker similar to this and does the garlic ever taste good when done , it is so soft , like butter , and I spread it over some hot French bread and a big plate of pasta

ok gotta go , biscuits and gravy at the Senior Center and a lot of farmer talk , wheat harvest just finished up around here so I will find out how many bushels an acre and what the weight was and if farmers can afford inputs to plant their winter wheat this fall

interesting farm times
Thanx big and enjoy my favorite breakfast And the farmer talk 💕
Only went to a casino once. I only spent the free roll of tokens they gave us as part of the hotel goodies, 10.00 worth in the slot machine while the hubby sat at the bar. after putting all the tokens in only once, I won 110.00 enough to stay drunk for the rest off the day. Never had the urge again. I guess I’m glad I didn’t get hooked on it 😂
When passing through Reno airport, I used to stick any quarters in my pocket into a slot machine and almost always won a jackpot. Not surprising, if I continued to stick the jackpot into the machines, I always left short of what ever quarters I started with.

I don't gamble at cassinos because I hate to lose too much to play games where the odds are stacked in the favor of the house.

Goooode morning and merry Weedsday brothers and sisters!

53F here @ 86% RH cloudy start and gorgeous clear blue-sky afternoon predicted to reach 76F.

In the low 90's yesterday so Miss Layla took short walks and spent lots of time in front of the fan. Cooler today so some catching up to do.

Mostly recovery yesterday, as both follow-up contacts were out of their offices, so more follow-up on the Sunday roundtable on the Medusa Stone Diamonds today.

Thus far it appears that it may be related to the methanol injected into denser asphaltic crudes to make them flow through the piping better, and the Diethanolamine used to remove the methanol, leaving both still present in the parts per billionth level.

Another avenue being investigated is the release from the national reserves, which is sour because it stores better. Petroleum is sour because of the presence of various sulfur compounds, which are still present in PPB levels after refining.

Whichever, or whatever it is, causes the crystalline structure of THC-A to form erratically and to disintegrate or turn chalky rapidly. A bane to those labs growing crystals.

There are two directions underway to address the issue. One is using gas scrubbing cartridges containing mol sieve and the other is bubbling the LPG vapor through water to scrub it and then removing the water using a 0.2 micron membrane filter and a mol sieve column.

One of the mind blowers Sunday was the Starship glass shop where Apis Labs sponsored the after-party, and where they are making "Art Units" bit-coin out of glass. An Art Unit is valued at $10 and the coins they were making were ten art units or $100. Because of their uniqueness and rarity, they are traded and collected, so they sell for multiples of their face value in the market place. The detail, including lettering is incredibly well done, and the process amazing.
When passing through Reno airport, I used to stick any quarters in my pocket into a slot machine and almost always won a jackpot. Not surprising, if I continued to stick the jackpot into the machines, I always left short of what ever quarters I started with.

I don't gamble at cassinos because I hate to lose too much to play games where the odds are stacked in the favor of the house.

Goooode morning and merry Weedsday brothers and sisters!

53F here @ 86% RH cloudy start and gorgeous clear blue-sky afternoon predicted to reach 76F.

In the low 90's yesterday so Miss Layla took short walks and spent lots of time in front of the fan. Cooler today so some catching up to do.

Mostly recovery yesterday, as both follow-up contacts were out of their offices, so more follow-up on the Sunday roundtable on the Medusa Stone Diamonds today.

Thus far it appears that it may be related to the methanol injected into denser asphaltic crudes to make them flow through the piping better, and the Diethanolamine used to remove the methanol, leaving both still present in the parts per billionth level.

Another avenue being investigated is the release from the national reserves, which is sour because it stores better. Petroleum is sour because of the presence of various sulfur compounds, which are still present in PPB levels after refining.

Whichever, or whatever it is, causes the crystalline structure of THC-A to form erratically and to disintegrate or turn chalky rapidly. A bane to those labs growing crystals.

There are two directions underway to address the issue. One is using gas scrubbing cartridges containing mol sieve and the other is bubbling the LPG vapor through water to scrub it and then removing the water using a 0.2 micron membrane filter and a mol sieve column.

One of the mind blowers Sunday was the Starship glass shop where Apis Labs sponsored the after-party, and where they are making "Art Units" bit-coin out of glass. An Art Unit is valued at $10 and the coins they were making were ten art units or $100. Because of their uniqueness and rarity, they are traded and collected, so they sell for multiples of their face value in the market place. The detail, including lettering is incredibly well done, and the process amazing.
Did you get any glass coins
there are a lot of reasons for someone to photoshop a tan to look good

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My God! Look at the feet on that woman! You could save the cost of ski rental at the resort.
Out running errands yesterday and saw this....


Hope she is safe.....where the farg is her helmet....Thinking that adds more protection that a face diaper
She might have been doing you a favor. Masks cover up ugly and stay on better than a brown paper bag.
Finally stopped to eat. I have a Crew removing all the plywood from the windows of the Federal Building. Fking women walks by and says. You think we won't be back to protest. Told her we could give two shits.😁 She walked off cussing us. Laughed our asses off.
What a dumbass b.itch.
Sub is a Lady with a great since of humor. I'm sure her Husband is very secure and could give two shits about us old old bastards.😁
Just like Mrs Pute.....she was always leary of me watching porn....took one look at the chicanery going on here and I am good to go.
I bet someone rip it when you checked in and out or port
No clue. It could have fallen out anywhere and it spent a lot of time locked up in the Jeep during the party, so lots of possibilities. With the crowd that was present, I'm more inclined to believe it fell out through my own carelessness.

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