Island Of Misfits

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Every time I see the title of this thread I think of the Rudolph tv show that has the Island of Misfit Toys. Does anyone else remember that?
That's where I got the title of the thread from Angie. Glad to see you posting on my thread of Misfits. You know that means you are now one of us right?😁🥰
Good morning

down the road I go!

Good morning misfits. Waiting on the door guys to come install the new patio doors. So glad now I moved my plants to the garage. We happen to have the perfect cooler day here so hopefully we won’t sweat to death without AC. Big, yall old guys be careful on that roof today
Good morning misfits. Waiting on the door guys to come install the new patio doors. So glad now I moved my plants to the garage. We happen to have the perfect cooler day here so hopefully we won’t sweat to death without AC. Big, yall old guys be careful on that roof today

old guys!?

we can still get after it and it is difficult for a young person to keep up with us

why just the other day we poured and finished 18 yards of concrete with two of us old guys and one young helper lol

old guys!?

we can still get after it and it is difficult for a young person to keep up with us

why just the other day we poured and finished 18 yards of concrete with two of us old guys and one young helper lol

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I obviously hit a nerve with the old guy statement 😂. I agree I can still work harder than the young folks today. Just have to remind myself that my body is not as young as my mind thinks it is anymore. Plus keeping moving is the biggest part of staying young. Y’all old guys take it easy💕
I obviously hit a nerve with the old guy statement 😂. I agree I can still work harder than the young folks today. Just have to remind myself that my body is not as young as my mind thinks it is anymore. Plus keeping moving is the biggest part of staying young. Y’all old guys take it easy💕



the older I get , the more I see this , some of it is funny , some not so funny

and most people don’t even realize what they are saying or doing when an ageism is expressed

but yeah , everyone , all ages , must not take themselves so serious and learn to laugh at themselves , this is a better way

the mean side of ageism is flat out ugly , most call it elder abuse , and it is as bad as child abuse , in my humble opinion

In today’s world stereotypes run rampant, and biases based on age – like ageism – are becoming a more measurable problem.

Ageism is the discrimination against an individual strictly on the basis of their age.

Ageism is most often thought of as prejudice against older individuals, however there are forms of ageism that affect younger generations as well.

Ageism can appear in multiple areas of everyday life and take many forms.

Ageism discriminatory practices can appear in the workplace, the healthcare system, forms of marketing, and even online shopping.

Ageism in Hollywood

Ageism in Hollywood, or ageism in the media and press, is one of the most detrimental types of ageism because it changes how people around the world interact with one another.

If you watch movies or TV shows, or read books that include multi-generations interacting together, you will most likely find that there are numerous negative stereotypes.

These stereotypes include less-than-positive jokes aimed at older individuals and their competency to be able to handle common every-day situations, and that older generations should stay out of the way, and often off-screen for the majority of the entertainment.

This has a strong effect on how we all grow up. We are inundated with the belief that older individuals should not be present in our day-to-day lives, and that when they are they should be at the center of negativity and jokes.

We are learning stereotypes about older individuals every time we turn on the television or watch a movie.

OOOOO Puppies...... I want ONE! Promis to feed and water it for ever N ever. Name your price!

OK, when I separate them one of the pups is your's. What will you name it?

old guys!? we can still get after it and it is difficult for a young person to keep up with us why just the other day we poured and finished 18 yards of concrete with two of us old guys and one young helper lol

Kudos and accolades brother, on still having what it takes with a long pole and a float, even after all these epochs.............

I obviously hit a nerve with the old guy statement 😂. I agree I can still work harder than the young folks today. Just have to remind myself that my body is not as young as my mind thinks it is anymore. Plus keeping moving is the biggest part of staying young. Y’all old guys take it easy💕

Ya, ya, if the shoe fits........Some nerves are just easier to hit than others at our ages.

Gooode morning island brothers and sisters! 60F @ 83% RH, beautiful clear blue skies, and predicted to reach 69F. Alas and alack, also predicted to reach 97F by next Sol Rex worship day.

Cleaning ladies due this morning, some quality time at Fernhill dog park, and a late morning attorney appointment, followed by wanton debauchery and sloth in the afternoon.


the older I get , the more I see this , some of it is funny , some not so funny

and most people don’t even realize what they are saying or doing when an ageism is expressed

but yeah , everyone , all ages , must not take themselves so serious and learn to laugh at themselves , this is a better way

the mean side of ageism is flat out ugly , most call it elder abuse , and it is as bad as child abuse , in my humble opinion

In today’s world stereotypes run rampant, and biases based on age – like ageism – are becoming a more measurable problem.

Ageism is the discrimination against an individual strictly on the basis of their age.

Ageism is most often thought of as prejudice against older individuals, however there are forms of ageism that affect younger generations as well.

Ageism can appear in multiple areas of everyday life and take many forms.

Ageism discriminatory practices can appear in the workplace, the healthcare system, forms of marketing, and even online shopping.

Ageism in Hollywood

Ageism in Hollywood, or ageism in the media and press, is one of the most detrimental types of ageism because it changes how people around the world interact with one another.

If you watch movies or TV shows, or read books that include multi-generations interacting together, you will most likely find that there are numerous negative stereotypes.

These stereotypes include less-than-positive jokes aimed at older individuals and their competency to be able to handle common every-day situations, and that older generations should stay out of the way, and often off-screen for the majority of the entertainment.

This has a strong effect on how we all grow up. We are inundated with the belief that older individuals should not be present in our day-to-day lives, and that when they are they should be at the center of negativity and jokes.

We are learning stereotypes about older individuals every time we turn on the television or watch a movie.

Well ranted! Good luck with the roofing young man...............
While we are on rants... I got one. On fargin, stinkin', short-sighted schmuck salespeople.

Back when I was on the bleeding edge of computing -- on the team that designed the first real compact computer, the PS2 with microchannel. Ground breaking new fields...

So of course the first prototypes were completely full of challenges. We had dozens of these computers with thin yellow wires going everywhere... with not one of them like the others. They were so buggy, each of them looked like they were made by a monkey with a wrench.

BUT!! The Announce Date came, and the assembly line started up. Note: It was expected to sell 1000 or so in a year or so. They sold more than 1000 on the first half of the first day.

Here's where the Sales Apes come in. First, a nice memory:

It was the morning of the Opening. I got a call patched through to me from a crying lady.

"I cannot get the PS2 to work right! (*sob*) There are dozens of people outside the door, and we open in two minutes! What can I do?"

Truly, this was a damsel in real distress. So I ran in to my phone booth and tore off all my clothes. That didn't work, so I just said:

"All right, remove any disk you have in it and shut the power off."

(*whimper, snuck*) "OK" came the trembly little voice.

Me: "Stick in the Demo Disk you were given, and turn the switch on."

"OK -- Oh, God! They are opening the door!"

Me: "Did the Demo start running?"

(*tiny little girls' voice with hopeful awe*) "Ummm... Yes, yes it is."

Me: "Step away from the computer and let it run. Let no one touch it."

The sales lady thanked me profusely and hung up. I never found out even what state she was in.
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OK, my first sales post above was the one good interaction. Now we get the Sales Avarice.

Remember the yellow unique spaghetti wires all over the insides of the Engineering models? These had to be used as demos all over the fargin landscape.

Each one was unique. The wires were installed by de-bugging. NO RECORDS could possibly have been kept of the changes. These were Engineering tools, not shippable product. Some of them might even have been unsafe.

So each Sales place received a bright red notice on each of the Engineering models

Two dozen times that fateful day, some POS sales ass would get an offer their greed could not refuse: "I will give you an order for fifty of these if you sell me this one."

Two dozen times, some flaming greedy sales dork agreed (these new PS2's cost many thousands each, and the sales dork(s) would make many, many thousands for themselves with such a sale.

So they violated the Red Rule. Why? Because when the UNIQUE PS2 took a shit, the Field Engineer would pop the cover and take a shit his own self. He would have absolutely NO clue as to how to fix it.

And the orders for PS's were backlogged, so they could not be switched out with factory made.

The life of an EE can be fargin stressful. BTW: I never killed any of them. Really.
OK, when I separate them one of the pups is your's. What will you name it?

Miss. Trips. She will go into a 60+ year old terracotta pot I've been saving. It was my G maw's pot she had cacti growing in for years. Found it left behind in the 120+ old homestead house stolen by the state. (long story)

She won't be alone. Sandy Pedro and her pups will keep her company..... Will happily trade pups too.

What soil mix do you use?

I mix very old cow pies with sand. Cacti seem to love it.

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