Island Of Misfits

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I think he was talkin' about the albino weed Hopper posted about, ya stoner!
I can see why ya won with that bud. Beautiful. Reminds me of some stuff I got probably 40 years ago. Sweet looking buds; all uniform in size and density, and not much of a buzz. Looked like they could be featured on the cover of High Times, though.
I remember I grew a bud... NOT !
Worst crash I ever did on a dirt squirt was in a field where a subdivision is now. There was a series of four moho's that we called the washboard. Did great on the first three, maintaining enough speed to hit the tops. That's until the last one. Went off the high side of the bike and touched down in the field, with my left knee landing on the only rock in the whole damned field. I'm screwed. Can't stand up, and I'd have to crawl around 1.5 miles back to the house.
A dude rides up on a Trophy 500 with a trail gear and asks if I'm OK. I tell him what happened and that I'm hosed. He says, "If I stand your bike up, kick it over, and help you on it, can you ride?"
"Yep, but yer gonna have to reach down and put it in gear for me 'cause the left leg ain't workin'. "
Guy did just what he offered to do, picked me up like a rag doll, put me on the scooter, and I pulled the clutch in while he put it in first gear for me. Thanked him, drove off the kickstand, and putted back home in first gear.
As I'm pullin' into the yard, I realized that there was no way my leg was gonna work to land the thing, so i started going around in circles 'til I got 'em real small, then just dumped it. Crawled up the front porch and knocked on the door. Mom opened it, took one look at me, and smiled. She knew the boy had screwed up and didn't find it necessary to ad insult to injury.
...then there was old Hybe who had the ABC weed , American Bastardized Cannabis , looked nothing like traditional cannabis , I believe it was a webbed strandivar
Awright, Doctor Big... Whut is a strandivar? Moreover, what is a WEBBED strandivar? Is it smokable weed?

"Strandivar" by Duckduckgo posted below. These guys talk in the same Atomic Gibberish that youse guys do. Their explanation totals ZERIO answers and adds questions by the lb:

Strandivars are usually designated in the style Taxus baccata "Variegata." as referred to by “STRAIN DIVAS”.

It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide, and tell your mother the pie was nice even though it rained Saturday.
The Cabana had some really good growers and Breeders as well. To bad the owners didn't do a better job of catering to what the members wanted. Just a memory now.
On the good side, I met youse guys. Never would have EVER done so if those felchers over there had treated y'all like you got comin'. That one dude even threatened me for sticking up for some guys that were getting peed on.

I'm gonna call out two guys who have changed my life for the better: @bigsur51 and @boo. <-- I'd share a foxhole with them anytime. They both have sand. TINS.
walt, I've asked too many times, what does TINS mean...tell me or I'll call your better half and ask her...:eek:
(*snork*) The GI in me just won't leave my vocabulary I guess. When TARFU, some BOLO REMF will gripe about the Five Fingers Of Death (Frankfurters) in their MRE's (Meals Rejected/Regurgitated by Ethiopians) and drop their John Waynes (folding can opener) and curl up on his Woobie (poncho liner/blanket).

TINS means what's coming is not pulling the long bow. This Is No Shit.
Know it? I friggin' wrote it!
I commend you for inventing "The Journey Of The Reluctant Shrimp".

And of course, I have not yet indulged in your amazing SETH 🤯

elcouth (rare, strange, marvelous) Heptamerous (7 parts/members) Epithymy (desire/lust)) Peramene (total pleasure)... since it can only be experienced once, because the person always dies at the completion of it.
give your better half a hug for me will ya walt...everytime I get to talk to her you grab the phone...:eek:
Tim Conway and Cher on Laugh-In 50 years ago:

Conway is standing next to Cher who is dressed in a sexy indian outfit, and a guy points to her and asks Conway:


Conway: Looks at Cher like that, and says: "Often as I can."
I commend you for inventing "The Journey Of The Reluctant Shrimp".

And of course, I have not yet indulged in your amazing SETH 🤯

elcouth (rare, strange, marvelous) Heptamerous (7 parts/members) Epithymy (desire/lust)) Peramene (total pleasure)... since it can only be experienced once, because the person always dies at the completion of it.
Very late Question: How did you invent it?
In case you guys have not noticed it... I have slipped into Big Words That Only I Know.

Sorry if my peenage (complaining in a whining voice) perturbates you. Umm... that is PER- not MAS-

Anyway, I am obviously enjoying this sky dive with Boo's finest pampination* results.

*Literally: Vine trimming. 🖖 😋

Hey! Mebbe I taught youse dudes and dudettes a woid regarding yer learned activities about which you were heretofore unapprehended.

'Cause I aint worff a shit, otherwise. (*sigh*) (*snock/snif*)
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good afternoon

and pretty soon it will be good evening

I'm mucking out the house garage so I can park another ride in there...found a box of hummell statues from my mom's estate...some are 75 years old...gotta figure out where to put these little jewels...yeah, it's hot in florida when in the sun...
we had to call it a day and come down off the roof , it was starting to rain….to slick for this senior citizen

we will get after it tomorrow like ducks on June bugs

Swede has several projects for me but I think I’m gonna have a piece of chocolate cake washed down with some milk and then take a nap
On the good side, I met youse guys. Never would have EVER done so if those felchers over there had treated y'all like you got comin'. That one dude even threatened me for sticking up for some guys that were getting peed on.

I'm gonna call out two guys who have changed my life for the better: @bigsur51 and @boo. <-- I'd share a foxhole with them anytime. They both have sand. TINS.
Holly crap....Boo and Big changed your life for the must have been a mess.

Damn is the one who threatened you. After running us all off he rarely comes on the Cabana any more. When he does he is bit-chen about something..... miserable human. Probably hates his life. He has a seed company and is bitter cause nobody buys his S-hit.

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