Thius was meant for hippie I had a big plate of fresh Ham dinner on my lap when I tried to type thisOh screw you ya old drunken hippie
Don't be trying to get any attention LOL
\I was only talking to Hippie not you
I would never ever talk badly to you SirYou rascal! You tricked me by addressing your comment to me and I was too dumb to see that you really meant it for that old drunk, "our Hippie.".
Good to get that straightened out, but please remember that I come from a small town and am tricked or confused easily.
One of the differences between our high humidity here and yours there is that we have the highest humidity during the cool season and by the time it warms up, it is more reasonable.the girl crush likes the a/c at about 85 degrees, outside of the flowers are getting hard and sticky, they are slowly getting where they need to be for my liking...97 percent humidity is just crazy, when I was hanging the last plant I was sweating like I had a fever...much nicer today...gonna go ice my back and smoke me a joint of snocaine...
Brother I know I'm not a drunk or a Hippie, it was the old part that really hit home.I would never ever talk badly to you Sir
We would have been lab partners
Now sure I would have been Igor, but still get credit for the discovery. Now wipe that drool from your face.
I plead guilty to all three.
I know right where most minds will goOpen mouth
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Best of Luck and God Speed on recoveryWell the wife her Gall Bladder out yesterday. 5 hours sitting in a hospital waiting room. The quintessence of boredom. lol
She is now home recovering. Not doing to bad, She's a little tender and she moves really slow but otherwise she's doing good. Shes a tough lady. They found stones and she had been suffering from acute Pancreatitis, which is extremely painful. She also has suffered from a wholeBest of luck and God host of digestive issues for years so, we hope this clears a lot of that up. I am her nurse and at her beckon command right now. This was the first real surgery either of us have ever had to have so were both nervous as h.ell yesterday. I'm so glad it all worked out.
Today is supposed to be a beautiful day 70 degrees and sunny. I'm gonna get some yard work done and then I'm supposed to hook up with a buddy later and get a bunch of edibles and some new strains to play with so I am kinda excited about that.
Other than that, it will be Smoking weed, playing guitar and taking care of my bride.