Island Of Misfits

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This is for Hydra. He likes them big.

I was bored last night and switch on a movie
Jackass 4.5 the new one
What a mistake, all these asshholes did was shove things up each others azz and smash each others ball shacks until they were bleeding and Blk and blue
Some sick crap. I think they all must have an orgy at the wrap up on filming.
And My sister in Cali was hired to photograph a live Orgy one of her girlfriend held at her house.
She was there to take Pics only, she said it was her 1st Orgy and her last LOL
The Old Hen, Pullet, and I went to the theater to see it. Been a long time since I laughed that hard and that long. Those boys take a he ll of a beating, but they make big bucks doing it.

Any pics of your sister you can send me in a PM? ;)
The Old Hen, Pullet, and I went to the theater to see it. Been a long time since I laughed that hard and that long. Those boys take a he ll of a beating, but they make big bucks doing it.

Any pics of your sister you can send me in a PM? ;)
Believe me I asked and tried maybe she'll hook me up
Afternoon, shipmates. It's struggled its way up to 55 degrees. Looks like it could rain anytime, but it's not supposed to. Sun, clouds, sun, clouds, repeat. Trees are wigglin', so there's some wind involved.
Gonna give myself one more easy day to fight this blasted cold, then back to normal. Well, as normal as I get.

Hydra, let it go. She'd hurt ya, and if she didn't, your wife would.
The ISO4 was Big I never tried that one , were all the bells and whistles any better than the ISO3 or just held more product? Is Dr Gold still around?

A box full of bells and whistles. He was still alive last I heard a few months ago.

Today will be the 1st day ever I have to pay someone to weed my flower beds My back is so bad its time. Never before but hey at least I can now. Yrs ago everything I did was to save money, so I did it all myself The wife was huge help carrying deck wood and spreading mulch

I have no problem relating to someone else doing the weeding, I just can't come to grips with how poor a job they do even after detailed instructions. They leave a lot of unwanted roots and take out some treasured plants. I weeded our ornamental gardens for grass and deep tap root weeds myself before the contract landscapers arrive.

I can relate to that, I was stopped dead nuts and went ass over tip cups the handlebars of a KX250 in 4th gear. The ground looked solid but it was nothing but seat deep mud. I broke T7, 8 and 12 vertebrae, fractured 3 ribs and snapped my collar bone in 2 places. 13 years later and not a day goes by that I don't feel that.

Yup! Exactly why I sold both my on and off road bikes about 38 years ago, after realizing I was too old to get hurt that bad anymore. My neck and shoulders grieve me every minute of every day and are only getting worse.
I feel your pain on a daily basis, GW.

Finally got a chunk of property that would make a great motocross track, and keep looking at dirt squirt cycles, but I know better. An hour or two worth of fun would cost me months of intense pain, if not the use of my legs. Sucks getting old, especially when you're still young at heart.
I feel your pain on a daily basis, GW.

Finally got a chunk of property that would make a great motocross track, and keep looking at dirt squirt cycles, but I know better. An hour or two worth of fun would cost me months of intense pain, if not the use of my legs. Sucks getting old, especially when you're still young at heart.
My lower back is so crushed even sitting on the Deere cutting grass hurts
I feel your pain on a daily basis, GW. Finally got a chunk of property that would make a great motocross track, and keep looking at dirt squirt cycles, but I know better. An hour or two worth of fun would cost me months of intense pain, if not the use of my legs. Sucks getting old, especially when you're still young at heart.

Yeah, sometimes I have to keep reminding myself that I'm no longer young at body before it reminds me itself.

My lower back is so crushed even sitting on the Deere cutting grass hurts

Fortunately I can sit or lie down without lower back pain, I just can't walk very far or stand very long.

I started out on Windows 95. The worst one I had was Windows Vista. I've had pretty good luck with the rest of 'em.

I started with 95 and worked my way up, but haven't switched from 10 to 11 yet at my webmasters advice. He recommended letting them fix the problems that crop up first.

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