Island Of Misfits

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Waiting for the rain and the redbuds to flower. Once the redbuds start flowering. It's time to morel mushroom hunt...... Found new hunting areas yesterday while boy and I went riding. Hope to find enough to sell @$25.oo a lb.

First on the agenda is to go to a locksmith and have keys made for a montero.

last years morel mushroom

View attachment 290940
They are starting here

We got black morels here. Never seen anything like it before, but folks say they are good. I'm skeptical lol.
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I miss fishing. Catfishi
They are starting here
View attachment 291289
We got black morels here. Never seen anything like it before, but folks say they are good. I'm skeptical lol.
Can get top dollar for the black ones. They have a stronger flavor than the tans n golds. Seen the first redbud starting to bloom here today. Will start looking for them over the next few days... Once I get my fence built.

Good hunting.
A dogs nose has 200-250 million scent receptors
View attachment 291290
I had a K9 cop explain it to me this way: Take a quarter pounder with cheese. You smell a burger. The dog smells the burger, the cheese, the ketchup, the mustard, the pickle, the onion, the bun, and the sesame seeds on the bun. He also smells the hands of the person that put the box in the bag.
I had a K9 cop explain it to me this way: Take a quarter pounder with cheese. You smell a burger. The dog smells the burger, the cheese, the ketchup, the mustard, the pickle, the onion, the bun, and the sesame seeds on the bun. He also smells the hands of the person that put the box in the bag.
I remember seeing a tv thing how a bloodhound was following a scent 1 day old. I remember a golden i lived next door to that would come out and smell her morning !
when I trained dutch on the AF field he got a few days of scent training...he's far smarter than I when he works, focusing like a laser...we spent 600 hours showing that dog what he already knew...don't try and tell me dogs are color blind...they see more than just differing shades...try teaching a dog to climb a ladder... :eek:
I had a K9 cop explain it to me this way: Take a quarter pounder with cheese. You smell a burger. The dog smells the burger, the cheese, the ketchup, the mustard, the pickle, the onion, the bun, and the sesame seeds on the bun. He also smells the hands of the person that put the box in the bag.
And yet they choose to smell other dogs asses haha…
I tell you what's funny. My Schnauzer can be almost asleep on the couch, if I get up out of my chair he doesn't move,, but if I get up and lay down on the floor he jumps down and puts his nose all in my face than lays down with his paws on my chest like something is wrong. He doesn't like it all all. Fker won't move. I can't even do a setup.😁
That SOB is fast. He has caught several squirrels and when he does he shakes the holy shit out of them. I've seen him jump at least 6ft trying to get to them running up the fence. And he doesn't play well with other dogs at all. My son found that out very quickly. I fking warned him but he didn't listen. Now he knows not to bring his dog for a visit.😁

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Myself, always one in chamber, safety off.
As long as you can get the gun up without an AD... (like front sight catching on cloth, and your finger intentionally and successfully seeking the trigger).

Only -- IT WUZZN'T ME -- because I know a guy who had that "procedure/setup" and he shot hisself in the calf while practicing. <-- Not "quick draw" crap, just going through the maneuver as if he was in an emergency situation.

I would recommend a hammerless revolver. Cannot fail. Easiest to use. Safest by far. Always on "Safe", while also always ready to fire.

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