Anyone for my 15? supposed to hit 40 today, mid 60s tomorrow.Ness, I'll swap you my 17 degrees for your 29!
Yes I do! How about "Meisterbrau" about as german as I am, not at all. But cases of quarts were cheap.As I recall it wasn't pasteurized, so wasn't available locally. I always liked Schlitz better.
Remember Blatz?
I was in a liquor/grocery store in St Louis, and it was funny to note all the A.Bush products were full tilt price, but 12 packs of Coors were dirt cheap.Mid 50's for a high here. I live 15 minutes from the Coors Brewery....never drink it.
Carlings Black Label, I remember that one. It was a grade or two better than some of the other swill we are talking about.Hamms and Falstaff was the cheap beer around here back in the day. You'd think that Black Label would be, beings as it was brewed 10 miles from my house, but it wasn't. It was my Old Man's favorite. Still got one in the 'fridge just in case he digs his way out. He'll be thirsty for sure. Got a bottle of Stroh's in there too for the same reason for the FIL, although he won't be as thirsty 'cause I tucked a bottle of Smirnofs in his box just before they closed the lid.
Micky Big Mouth bottles...PHFFFT beer :rollseyes: Firewater for me....way less trips to the pisser. Guess it's not so bad now that Ok. got rid of the 3.2 beer. Been years since the last beer I drank.
Mickies mean green was all the rage back in the day. Skunk beer we called it. Hangover city...