Island Of Misfits

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Well... darn. So sumbody knocked on our front door, and was talking with Herself, asking if we would want him to trim my giant rubber tree which overhangs my driveway.

I prefer it to cover my driveway, so I politely told him thanks, but no thanks. He was missing lower front teeth and his work vehicle was an old car with a ladder on its roof.

In other words, a guy in desperate straits, trying to find honest work.

As he was pulling away, I quick ran over and told him to hold on. All I had in my wallet was a $20 bill, so I gave it to him, and wished him good luck.

Felt so sorry for the pore bastage.:oops:
@ness2... I am the guy who plays a doctor's father in real life. It so happens that Scooter is in the fargin next room -- he is leaving for Oregon (this is Floriduh) at 10:00AM.

A spinal tap is a temporary thing. Backaches do not come from spinal taps... spinal taps make backaches go away. It is a very simple procedure, and it doesn't hurt at all.

It is also temporary.
A lumbar puncture (AKA: spinal tap) may be done to:
  • Collect cerebrospinal fluid for laboratory analysis <-- A sneaky way to the brain
  • Measure the pressure of your cerebrospinal fluid
  • Inject spinal anesthetics, chemotherapy drugs or other medications <-- Prolly you.
  • Inject dye (myelography) or radioactive substances (cisternography) into cerebrospinal fluid to make diagnostic images of the fluid's flow.
As you get older, your back WILL start to give you gyp. A topical, OTC med that gives relief is called VOLTAREN <-- Comes in a tube, and you just smear some on the owie.

Wait'll you get to be 81, punkin... You gotta be tough.

"Life, she ees joost a bowl of frijoles." <-- Manuel Labor, the Ole Messican Philosopher tole me that.

He also said, "I theenk. Therefore, I yam. I theenk."
I knew I should have gone to medical school instead dance class ....
Well... darn. So sumbody knocked on our front door, and was talking with Herself, asking if we would want him to trim my giant rubber tree which overhangs my driveway.

I prefer it to cover my driveway, so I politely told him thanks, but no thanks. He was missing lower front teeth and his work vehicle was an old car with a ladder on its roof.

In other words, a guy in desperate straits, trying to find honest work.

As he was pulling away, I quick ran over and told him to hold on. All I had in my wallet was a $20 bill, so I gave it to him, and wished him good luck.

Felt so sorry for the pore bastage.:oops:
When I joined this group ,I knew I would be in the company of good men and women . and I was not wrong ...
Thank you, guys, for the come back on my spinal tap. I have a Doctor appointment March 22nd. All I know the pain is ongoing and it make it hard to do my yard work. I'm going to rub icey Icey on my back and knee. Carry on Misfits.
Thank you, guys, for the come back on my spinal tap. I have a Doctor appointment March 22nd. All I know the pain is ongoing and it make it hard to do my yard work. I'm going to rub icey Icey on my back and knee. Carry on Misfits.

Pain GONE in under ten minutes. Usually five.
The old Chief had passed on and his eldest son took over as Chief. He was a modern type of guy so to speak but stuck with tradition.
When the tribe council came together thy asked the Chief " will it be a cold winter and do we have enough firewood? He proceeded to go in his tent telling his people he needs to consult the spirits. Inside his tent ,he pulls out his cell phone and calls the weather service . He asks the guy on the phone "Is it going to be a cold winter , and the guy says YES !. So the young Chief goes to his people and says yes it is going to be cold and to gather firewood .So they gathered firewood all week . After a week or o the young Chief thinks it over ,does not want to make a mistake so he calls the weather service again . The man answers and he ask " Is it going to be a cold winter and he replies Definitively Definitively ! The Chef goes back to his people and tells them he feels the winter will be colder than he thought and we need some more firewood. A week later they were done and all was well. Weeks later the young Chief is paranoid to make a mistake so he calls the weather service for the third time and asks "Will it be a cold winter ?" The guys says ABSOLUTELY YES 100% ! The Chief asks " How can you be so sure " The guy replies " The Indians have been collecting firewood for 3 months now ...
Having one of those days just being pissed off for no apparent reason. Even more pissed that my male toy rat terrier dog is to small to kick.... The Lab bitches are in heat, So tuffman has gone totally farken nuts. Can't even laugh at him trying to hump the girls. (he's 11" tall girls 20")

Even more pissed off at my boy for buying a $4,000.oo go cart. I could kick him but it wouldn't make a dent in his azz. GRUMBLEGRUMBLE... Gerrrrrrrrr... Off to go with him to pick it up. I could be fishing!!!


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