Island Of Misfits

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Hon, when you can get through a day like that and not have committed suicide/homicide, it't a good day.
Wish ya was close enough to get a gift gram of hash and a big hug.
I had kinda a shit day, too. Still alive and so is everyone I came in contact with, so it's a GOOD DAY.
Hash and Hugs would cure a lot of the problems in the world. True.
and save lives too...
I cannot express how relieved I am that you have gone past the 9th Century Aleutian Eskimo methods in medical care.

And, of course: I was fargin spot on. You WERE heading for that horrible jaw picture. Nyah, nyah.

You are too good a guy to lose, Big. 👨‍⚕️
wow ,do they really have such methods and if they do what do they prescribe for a weak winky . I am asking for a friend ....
You pore bastage. BTW... regarding this:

"I don’t know why this one got infected so bad because I’m keen on keeping it clean , a la hydrogen peroxide rinses , clove oil , etc."

Whut hoppen wuz this: The dirty little boogers that ate the soft inside "food" of your tooth followed the bloodstream down into your jaw. There, they found a great, big warehouse chock full of really good food. And there was no more of that sorta slightly-annoying peroxide and clove oil way down in there.

They were throwing a riotous party when the Fire Department (amoxycillin) showed up and began hosing down the place. Many partygoers died right off, but some hardliners are currently still holed up, trying to keep the door from being beaten down by the Fire Dept.

They are losing. But if it is gonna be four days until that door is well and truly down, and that whole group of invaders are wiped out... that means they were damn' well entrenched.

Close call. I am so fargin happy about this. Thank you for doing the right thing.
my friend had the same riotous party when he peed . Really wasn't such a good party for him ...
Hoppers dog
joe -- You gotta do this. Next time yer gonna play the day away with arse inspection in the hospital, tell the doctor:

"You are going to go where no man has gone before."

If he is kewl... he will answer:

I did that and he just winked at me dat bastage!
Im this way about anything happening to my neither regions .
While ago while in California I was getting my prostate checked by a nurse and she said some people get erections when they have this done , I said " Who would get a erection when they have this done ?" And she replied " Me ! " It was at that moment joeb631 knew he made another wrong decision ...

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