Island Of Misfits

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Why can't you post pictures? Use the Attach Files and click on full image. Good luck on the knee. Don't forget to rehab....very important.

I don't know pute I must be tripping. I just tried to upload a picture and it did.

This is the top of Lemon the blades do not want to open up. There like cocoons' on the tips. She is 32 days.

These next pictures you can make Lemon out to good.

I took this picture with half the lights on and a flash to get rid of the shadows. At the very top those are not pistils their blades. Never had this experience before. Always saw pistils on my babies.

104_0701 (1).JPG

I trim the bottom growth of 4 nodes on most of the branches. She doesn't look too good, but I got hopes. I'll be ordering a new light system Feb 3rd.
Will see what happen than.
Yup... Ness is a female.. And her luck lately has been just horrible.. We are all pulling for ya girl, and I know how
tough you are so never give up.. end up like my fat ass... LOL. grrrrrr. don't make me come up there.. hehe

I am gonna be off to to cardiologist to find out if I have permanent damage... Gotta be there at 10:30...

Makes me neurotic. <-- Look I cannot even spell the sexy word right.

MySonTheDoctor was prescribing for me:

Scooter: "Take this medicine for insomnia, this one is for nervous breakdown, and also take this one for depression."

Me: "Thank you very much, but do you have any other medicine besides brandy?"

Nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs...

I am gonna be off to to cardiologist to find out if I have permanent damage... Gotta be there at 10:30...

Makes me neurotic. <-- Look I cannot even spell the sexy word right.

MySonTheDoctor was prescribing for me:

Scooter: "Take this medicine for insomnia, this one is for nervous breakdown, and also take this one for depression."

Me: "Thank you very much, but do you have any other medicine besides brandy?"

Nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs...
I thought one had to have a Heart 1st for that LOL
Good Luck hopefully no damage
Permanent damage from what? Did you have a heart attack? Or are you talking about your High BP situation? <-- I din' have high blood pressure atall atall. What I had was an electrical problem. Old vaccum tubes in my left ventrical. Tried to hit me with 300BPM!
That is what they are finding out. My BP and pulse rate are fine now. This moanin' it was 120/70 and 56 BPM.

They tooken an EKG, and said the numbers were great. They actually said I "had the heart of a child". I told them I keep it in a jar under the bed. <-- That got a two-second blank look, followed by a lotta laughter on the tech's part.

BUT -- I gotta be set up for a stress test since the atrial fibrillation episode (that would become a stroke if not stopped***) caused them to notice a coupla little indicators (enzymes) in my heart that are outa whack. (eg: potassium)

So we gonna whack them. Stress test next Moanday at 12:15. They gonna have me splitting rocks. No eat. No coffee. Go 40 miles to work out onna fargin treadmill with one-and-a-half legs. I am gonna be one dangerous, pissed off dude. Cannot even toke Uno Who's Finest!! :(

For Rosty: Yes, I will be splitting them by whacking them with my pecker as usual, just like I do with the coconuts.

***The upper left ventrical of your heart is the one that gives the signal to the big lower left to pump out blood to everywhere. There is a little "pocket" in the upper part of YOUR left ventrical. Seems there's one in mine, too. 🤷‍♂️

No prob if the gatekeeper says "GO" to the big guy once every second or so. But if the sumbitch gets into Patwi's stash and decides to tell the big guy to pump 140 times a second... The upper ventrical does not empty out all the way. It just sorta vibrates all over half-assed.

Some blood gets caught up in the tippy corner, and gets stuck there because of the fuckup of #3 chamber. BTW: You can still function, because your heart IS getting some blood out there.

But -- when blood just sits... it does what it is susposed to do: It CLOTS. Now ya got a nasty hard goober in your heart. WHEN (not if) it eventually gets pumped out...

It can lodge in an artery in your brain... 💀🕷

Game over.
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