Now here is an air gun 72 cal
remember those long a s s mondays when you wished you were home or somewhere just goofing off?
well pilgrim those days are gone now and I can goof off 7 days a week if I so choose
today I feel like I am gonna just take 2000 milligrams of Fukital and goof off the entire day
i will be an unproductive mother trucker today with a shi tt y grin on my ugly mug
Looks like you are back up and running Walt. Glag you were able to get help quick.I like Damitol.
Slow day Roster.....get this party started.
Looks like you are back up and running Walt. Glag you were able to get help quick.
Coyote Date
Now here is an air gun 72 cal https://www.aeaairgun.us.com/pages/aea-zeus-72-cal
I wonder if they put you on waiting list for the ammoNice piece!
Walt that's what the Beta Blocker does if taken properly. I take it more for AFib then I do BP. It keeps my PR low to help stop AFib.Here is a weird reaction this moanin' -- I was as nervous as a midget in a basketball team urinal when I finally got up the courage to take my BP and pulse rate. I did not expect this reaction. Of course, it affected the result: 127/77 and 68 Bpm.
Not bad at all, but not as crazy sooper good as yestiddy.