Not only an adams apple, but actually looks like a guy, except for the lipstick. Would your wives and daughters feel comfortable sharing a restroom with him?
I hope lowering the requirements to hang out in women's and little girls restrooms that far doesn't give Roster (and his kind) any ideas about kinky wigs and lip stick.
53F @ 78% RH, gorgeous, and predicted to reach 84F.
Got bids to remove my old diseased Euorpean Weeping Birch but after discussing saving the bees nested in it with a bee rescue service, I'm getting a new bid to remove the limbs and top it about 15' up. The bee rescue service will seal the other holes in the tree and put a copper cap on it to protect the nest. The tree should have been removed over a decade ago, but we just keep trimming off the dead stuff to save the wild hive, because bees are having such a hard time right now.
I dug several holes in our front garden looking for the water leak in the sprinkler system and exposed some of the pipes so I can start installing valves and isolating sections. Still looking for one of the electric control valves............
Progress on my latest test sled upgrades article and got notice that a couple of parts that I need to complete the sled have arrived at the UPS store. At this point, I'm one thermocouple away from shakedown.