One can avoid getting bitten even in a heavy infestation with a little care.60F @ 81% RH, partially cloudy with 5 mph wind and predicted to reach 82F. Air quality remains good.
A drive by shooting at a local middle school and four armed robbers hijacking a car.
We received a $1200 water bill and despite hooking the system up to compressed air, I still can't find the leak. I have it turned off and the next step is digging up the different laterals and install valves to isolate the different legs until I find out which one is leaking.
I finished the design for my test sleds vacuum filtration system and ordered the parts I need. I also received the bid for the additional thermocouple and placed it on order.
We had Black Widow where I grew up and the Brown Recluse here, but I've yet to get bitten. One of my shirt tail relatives who is diabetic got bitten by a Brown Recluse and it rotted a hole the size of a baseball out of his leg.
When it is your turn to buy the next beer... SOUND ON
Make sure and check the gloves before putting on.Little darling has seen someone do it before. Notice how she made sure to clear out the goat's airway?
GW, a dude I worked with in the Detroit area bought himself a new (to him) house in Commerce Township. Think suburbia. There was an old metal shed in the back yard with a bunch of fireplace wood ricked up beside it. His wife wanted it gone, so she was loading it into his truck for a ride to the dump when she got a prick on the end of her left index finger. She thought nothing about it. Next morning, her finger was swollen noticeably. By noon, it was turning black. She went to the doctor. Doctor sent her to the hospital. Hospital said she'd been bitten by a bashful brown. They put her on antibiotic IVs, and a day later, sent her home and told her to come back for an hour a day for the next week for more IVs. A week later, they removed her finger at the first knuckle.
I've seen them here at the ranch. I don't handle any kind of stacked fire wood without leather gloves on.
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Found this one on the floor of the laundry yesterday.
I was thinking the same Poor fellow he had some PTSD going on theregawd I hope that dude was not a combat vet
Can't complain! You'd just call me a whiner if I did...☮ Hope life is treating you all well
Damn, where have I been. I got a bit behind. Spiders eat bugs. I don't particularly care for them either...snakes are in the same boat. But the fact is there would be a whole lot more bugs without them.
I wish they would eat Japanese Beetles. I am overwhelmed again this year. Traps help but the can't get all of them.
Good to see ya Oldbay.
Yup it is true. I am trying to get more neighbors to participate only 7 bucks. I keep the traps well away from the floweres, grapes and garden.I do not if it is true or not, but someone once told me that those traps just attract more beetles.