You appear to be discovering the problems I encountered in Saudi. First, no kind of plastic or rubber resists ethanol vapour for long. Be VERY careful to avoid an alcohol vapour leak. It's invisible and very dangerous because you can be intoxicated very quickly and the explosion and fire risk. I had to change the big neoprene seal on the pressure cooker every month.66F @ 67% RH, gorgeous, and predicted to reach 86F.
Finishing the fermented sugar wash this morning. Yesterday I extracted a gallon of 130 proof using the EtOH Pro and should get another 1500 ml.
I also cut the refrigeration hose I was using on my test sled apart to inspect the liner and discovered deterioration, so I replaced it with a stainless jacketed PTFE hose and ran another cleaning run. Voile, the next wash came out perfectly clear. Alas, my pot is no longer holding full vacuum, so I am looking for a better unit than the modified pressure cooker I'm using.
I have an 8:00AM appoint with my new orthopedic surgeon to figure out what is suddenly preventing my left knee from extending all the way and another appointment tomorrow with my GP for an exam to renew my medications.
IMO, since I've had all kindsa knee sturgeons, you gots a chunk of busted loose cartilage that stops movement. Had it in both knees my own self. Useta be -- back in the Olden Days of my youth, they had to expose everything with a huge incision to pluck out the offending piece of junk. Nowadays, they can do it with 90% less pain.
You appear to be discovering the problems I encountered in Saudi. First, no kind of plastic or rubber resists ethanol vapour for long. Be VERY careful to avoid an alcohol vapour leak. It's invisible and very dangerous because you can be intoxicated very quickly and the explosion and fire risk. I had to change the big neoprene seal on the pressure cooker every month.
Bwahaha!!!If I was distilling liquor in SA, I'd be more worried about getting a shoulder level hair cut.
I am in....try and shame me and her gonna get an ear full. I am proud!!I am forming a deep shame unit, let me know how many spots to hold
I will join you.
Hope you have insuranceLightning storm hit, right over the house, a strike in the garden, the scene outside lit up in brilliant colour. But in the morning I found my desktop PC blown up, the wall warts for the modem and telephone blown, and the solar panel control system not functioning.
Lightning storm hit, right over the house, a strike in the garden, the scene outside lit up in brilliant colour. But in the morning I found my desktop PC blown up, the wall warts for the modem and telephone blown, and the solar panel control system not functioning.