I always do. I'm tired of this nasty ass political banter. Ppl need to move on and let it go.
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That there, my good friend, is a prime example of how ONE teeny-tiny, "innocuous" but...I asked a simple fking question. A simple no would have been fine. The guy is a great Governor and I wouldn't give two shits what side of the isle he is on or who backed him.
Thanks. I'm OK with the elbow now. I put an elastic bandage on it for a day. My hand is slowly improving. I'm glad I had it treated although at the time the pain was incredible. My wife was there and she said it looked and sounded as if I was about to give birth. Good value for $50. I suppose I need to stop pretending I am 23 y.o.I have some compression and support advice if you need it. Yeah, you are kind of screwed when fluid buildup occurs. You can't drain that at home. How is your arm wrapped and supported, if I may ask? Could you post a pic? Only if you are comfortable to do so.....
IMO, since I've had all kindsa knee sturgeons, you gots a chunk of busted loose cartilage that stops movement. Had it in both knees my own self.I have an 8:00AM appoint with my new orthopedic surgeon to figure out what is suddenly preventing my left knee from extending all the way and another appointment tomorrow with my GP for an exam to renew my medications.