Island Of Misfits

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Hmmm I didn't realize terps are water soluble, or non polar. That explains a few things from the old oil making daze.

There are terpenes and terpenoids, with the terpenoids being more polar. The glucoside plant sugars are C-15 terpenoid/flavonoids, which are more polar and water soluble.
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The above was supposed to be "OH BOY!!"

I had a great apostrophe... my fermented brain (fervid?) got gobsmacked with a new idea. I tooken that little glass single-shot thingy @Big gifted me in order to just have a quick schmoozation without having to wait while the volcano warmed up...

...and when I took the first inhale with the same "vigor" I use with the big volcano bag...

EEEEK!! EEEEEEEKK!! <-- y'all have been there, this I know. ;)

Anyway, while about to turn inside out with the need for breathable air, my semi-brilliant mind got the idea to save the giant hit!

So I grabbed my handy volcano bag, and whooshed. I got seven more hits from the bag before it was gone. I am as high as the Entire State Building. 🛋🎏📈

Bottom Line: If I do not mind ass-phixiating mesef, I have discovered (a first?) a way to make a single-shot (3-5 hits) worth of flower last for 21 to 35 hits.


The concept: "The hybrid single-shot volcano repeater! ' 🌋 🎯

I am bubulcitate. 👨‍🌾
Where do we patent this :cool:
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Did she reveg early on? Now going back into reg cycle
No, this strain is early into flower. Not an auto, of course, but typically, about 4 weeks in, I can tell. I think it probably is Aurora x Acapulco Gold. I am test growing some more seeds (17 years old!) so I'll soon be able to tell. It has a very distinctive leaf style. What I believe happened was, 17 years ago I crossed it, grew a load of plants, and selected the best pheno which I have grown ever since. I'll soon know.
if the Voice replied to me in this post , I cannot see what he said

all I can see is that he quoted me and that is all

it happened in another thread too

It usually will happen when a poster switched to an anal mode of conversation and then deletes comments but leaves quoted post and then walks away for another wotever
if the Voice replied to me in this post , I cannot see what he said

all I can see is that he quoted me and that is all

it happened in another thread too
Go back to his post and click on "click to expand". His comment shows up after yours.
I don't want to get political or anything, but I will say this: The s--- that happens is directly proportional to the weapons possessed by the public. I offer three examples behind my logic:
1. In England, yes there is gun crime, but mainly, it's knife crime. And it's pretty serious. Lots of people get killed or seriously hurt every year. In England, guns are very very expensive and used only by serious criminals. It's automatic prison if found with one. It's been necessary to pass drastic laws against possessing a bladed article.
2, In the USA, where I have lived, I was alarmed by the easy availability of firearms. I visited a large pawn shop in Laredo wondering if they might have a shotgun suitable for shooting clay pigeon. No, the guy said. This is what you need... he offered me a Chinese SKS semi-automatic carbine, for $150 "Hardly used, and I'll throw in a free mag of ammo." That's a serious assault rifle. He could have had no idea if I was going to buy it and go out and slaughter people.
3. Dubai. Or, various Arab countries in general. I was offered all sorts. Anything from Brown Bess muskets and Martini-Henrys through Lee Enfield 303's to grenades and assault weapons. But bombs are their thing. After a while you unconsciously check for emergency exits and become hyper aware of packages.
Maybe I should rate the 33 countries I've lived in for personal safety! But that would be too difficult. How would I rate the Gambia? For 8 months things were fine. I left, and two weeks later there was a coup and 7 of my friends were murdered. Impossible... I seem to be very high this evening. I don't normally write s'¿¿' like this.

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